Fly proudly, flag of my homeland!
2024-11-18 17:00:00 / News
This project, dedicated to the adoption of the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan, holds particular significance for our country. Exactly 33 years ago, our national symbol - the State flag - was adopted. To mark this occasion, a new and unprecedented project has been implemented in our country through the collaboration of the Republican Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment, the Association of Mahallas of Uzbekistan, the Agency for Youth Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, and the National Guard.
As part of this project, the 100-meter long State flag is being displayed in various regions of our country, waving as a symbol of our independence, unity, and pride. This enormous flag deserves special recognition, particularly as a symbol that unites our people and expresses our boundless love for our Motherland.
The State flag's journey from Khorezm to Tashkent awakens a sense of national pride and honor in the hearts of each of our compatriots, calling us to raise even higher the slogan "Fly proudly, flag of my homeland!"