In Angren, environmental damage amounting to more than 7 million sums was caused
2025-03-05 17:00:00 / News
Department of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of Tashkent Region, in collaboration with the regional Department of Internal Affairs, conducted another inspection raid.

During the raid on the Ahangaran River, which flows through the ‘"Jigariston" mahalla in Angren, authorities discovered citizen A.S. engaging in illegal fishing using a prohibited method—a fishing line net.
An administrative protocol was drawn up in respect of the offender under the relevant part of Article 90 of the Administrative Code and a fine of 7 million 500 thousand sums was imposed.
For information: earlier, as a result of illegal fishing on the Syrdarya River, the nature was damaged to the amount of more than 60 million sums.