Functions and tasks
The main tasks and areas of activity of the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change:
– Development and implementation of a unified state policy in the field of nature conservation, rational use and restoration of natural resources, waste management, and climate change;
– Maintenance of state environmental control over nature conservation, including atmospheric air, land, subsoil, water, forests, protected natural areas, protection of flora and fauna, waste management;
– Ensuring protection, conservation, cultivation, restoration of forests, increasing productivity and rational use of forests;
– Organization of the hydrometeorological service, monitoring of climate change and pollution of the environment;
– Development of cooperation with civil society institutions and the public in the field of nature conservation, systematic organization of environmental education, propaganda, education and support for scientific research;
– Implementation of the principles of "green" development, reduction of harmful emissions into the environment, reduction of the negative impact of human activities on nature;
– Implementation of digital technologies in the field of environmental protection, establishment of a system for reducing and automating the human factor in monitoring;
– Further development of ecotourism, hunting and safari tourism, effective use of the potential of forestry and national natural parks (except for areas transformed into reserves) and construction of relevant infrastructure facilities, creation of favorable conditions for foreign and domestic tourists and provision of their services;
– Application of effective measures to prevent, identify and suppress violations of legal requirements in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources;
– Monitoring the state of the environment, identifying factors that may lead to environmental pollution, irrational use of natural resources, and pose a threat to the life and health of citizens;
– Monitoring compliance of economic and other activities with standards, norms, rules for environmental protection and requirements of other regulatory legal acts, as well as the application of legal measures;
– Ensuring compliance with the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities and individuals, fulfillment of their obligations in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources;
– Establishing control over the rational use of forests, regulating relations in the field of environmental protection, control over the organization of ground and aviation protection of forests;
The main tasks of the regional departments:
– Effective implementation of the tasks and functions assigned to the Ministry of Ecology in the region;
– Interaction with the sectors of integrated socio-economic development (hereinafter referred to as the sectors of integrated socio-economic development), headed by the heads of local executive bodies of regions, cities, districts, the prosecutor's office, internal affairs agencies and the state tax service;
– Implementation of state management of activities in the field of ecology, environmental protection, rational use of natural resources and their restoration;
– Implementation of measures to ensure a favorable ecological state of the environment, protection of ecological systems, natural complexes and individual objects, improvement of the environmental situation;
– State control, local executive bodies for compliance with legislation in the field of work related to waste implementation of an effective system of collection, transportation, recycling, processing and disposal of household waste in close cooperation with self-government bodies of citizens;
– Implementation of state environmental control in connection with the protection and use of land, subsoil, water, flora and fauna, compliance with legislation in the field of air protection;
– Coordination of the activities of state and economic management bodies, local government bodies, individuals and legal entities in the field of ecology, environmental protection, rational use of natural resources and their restoration;
– State cadastre in the field of ecology and environmental protection and monitoring, as well as breeding wild animals, wild plants, maintaining state records of nurserymen, zoological and botanical
– Implementation of environmental education, propaganda and training, as well as retraining of specialists in the field of ecology and environmental protection and improving their skills;
– Ensure the prevention of violations in the field of environmental protection, rational use of natural resources and the performance of work related to waste;
– Ensuring close interaction with the public and civil society institutions in matters of ecology and environmental protection, the right of citizens to a comfortable environment.
The main functions of regional departments:
– Implementation of local government in the area of rational use of flora and fauna and their restoration, protection of atmospheric air, underground resources and their rational use, as well as waste management;
– Development and approval of draft regulatory legal acts of local government bodies on issues within their competence or having a negative impact on the environment;
– Coordination of programs of measures for environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, environmental protection and scientific research activities;
– Submission of proposals to local government bodies on the creation, naming and renaming of new protected natural areas;
– Provision of local population with information on the state of the environment and measures taken to improve it;
– Implementation of measures for the effective organization of a system for collecting, sorting, storing, transporting, rendering harmless, processing, burying and selling waste;
– Use of waste collection stations in cooperation with local governments, timely waste removal, landfill management, waste placement, recycling, burial and coordination of activities of organizations specializing in sanitary cleaning on implementation issues;
– Monitoring sources of soil pollution at waste storage sites;
– Participation in the development and implementation of state programs to prevent violations in the field of environmental protection, rational use of natural resources, and waste-related work;
Research Institute of Ecology and Nature Protection Technologies:
The main areas of further improvement and comprehensive development of the Research Institute of Ecology and Nature Protection Technologies (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) shall be:
– studying the current state of the environment, studying the impact of pollutants on biodiversity, including rare, endangered species of plants and animals;
– conducting scientific research on the protection of land resources, developing scientifically based proposals for technologies to combat and prevent land degradation;
– conducting fundamental and practical research to prevent pollution of groundwater and surface water, developing effective methods and technologies for cleaning and recycling wastewater;
– conducting in-depth fundamental and practical research into the current state of atmospheric air, the impact of pollutants contained in it on the environment and nature, developing new effective methods and technologies to reduce air pollution;
– conducting practical research to develop effective methods and technologies to ensure the recycling and disposal of household and various waste;
– conducting fundamental, practical and innovative research aimed at accelerating the transition to "green" technologies and developing a "green" economy through the widespread introduction of resource-saving technologies;
– developing scientifically based proposals to reduce the negative impact of global climate change on the ecology and environment;
– protecting the environment through the implementation of ecosystem services in the field of ecology and environmental protection and the development of relevant regulatory documents;
– training qualified scientific personnel in the field of ecology and environmental protection, developing cooperation between education, science and production, establishing links with foreign educational and research institutions and international organizations, conducting scientific research based on grants;
– forming a modern scientific and laboratory base, equipping it with advanced technological equipment, expanding scientific and innovative research aimed at developing the industry, forming an effective system for their integration.
The Center for Analytical Control, specializing in environmental protection - the main tasks of the Center include:
- systematization and generalization of data on sources of pollution in the republic of atmospheric air, surface water, soil, flora and fauna, results of analytical control;
- organization of analytical control over compliance with environmental safety requirements, radiation safety during disposal (placement) of waste;
- Head territorial departments of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the implementation of inspection and analytical control, monitoring of pollution sources and provide organizational, methodological and practical assistance in the implementation of work on compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation;
- development, improvement, where necessary, development, revision and implementation of advanced methods for sampling wastewater and waste, waste, pollution of natural environment objects and conducting their physicochemical analysis;
- control and arbitration measurements of emissions of substances into the atmosphere, pollution of natural environment objects.
The functions of the center are as follows:
In the field of systematization and generalization of data on sources of pollution of atmospheric air, surface water, soil, flora and fauna of the republic, results of analytical control:
– forms an information and cartographic database of analytical control and monitoring of pollution sources based on geographic information system technologies in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
– Organizes and issues information bulletins and other official publications of the Center, as well as materials and other information on the state of the natural environment;
– exercise control over the state of the environment in the state monitoring system, ensure the submission of information on the results of monitoring and analytical control of sources of environmental pollution to state and economic management bodies, local government bodies in accordance with the established procedure;
– The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan provides interested functional and territorial subsystems of the state system of warning and action in emergency situations (SWSES) in the Republic of Uzbekistan with information on the environmental situation, emissions of harmful substances into the environment, atmosphere, quality of wastewater, pollution of soil and water resources in accordance with the established procedure;
– collects, analyzes and summarizes information on the state of environmental pollution (air, water and soil) with radionuclides and other hazardous substances to the operational headquarters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and to the information and analytical services of its territorial bodies (emergency duty teams), and also delivers it to interested parties in ministries and departments;
State Institution "Center for State Environmental Expertise" - the main tasks of the Center include:
- conducting state environmental expertise to determine the compliance of the planned, planned or ongoing economic and other activities with environmental requirements and the possibility of implementing (realizing) the object of environmental expertise;
- conducting state environmental expertise of limited environmental standards that allow emissions into the atmosphere from economic and other activities, discharge of pollutants into surface water bodies or onto the territory, the formation of production and consumption waste and their placement;
- attracting experts and specialists, including foreign and international, to conduct state environmental expertise;
- cooperate with international organizations of other countries in the field in the established manner on the exchange of experience on issues of conducting state environmental expertise;
- assessing the quality of materials and projects developed by organizations developing environmental impact assessment materials and draft environmental regulations, and forming a rating of developer organizations;
- in agreement with the founder, develop proposals for improving the system of state environmental assessment in accordance with the requirements of the time, state and industry standards and norms;
- submitting to the founder for development and approval in the established manner of regulatory and legal documents governing the system of conducting state environmental assessment;
- organizing work on training specialists and employees, improving their qualifications and qualifications for conducting state environmental assessment at a professional level.
State Institution "Eco-Media Center" - main areas of activity:
- creation, development and support of automated information systems, resources and databases in the field of environmental protection, their consistent integration, development and support with the systems of other government agencies, the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change, ensuring the security of information systems;
- environmental protection, rational use of natural resources and control over the implementation of work related to waste, the introduction of information and communication technologies in protected natural areas;
- preparation of information, analytical and visual media materials aimed at raising public awareness of reforms implemented in the field of ecology and environmental protection with the direct use of modern technologies and creative approaches, popularization of environmental culture, timely prevention of violations in the field of environmental protection receive;
Construction and Capital Construction Directorate — the main areas of activity of the Directorate include:
– Organization of existing construction works in the system of the ministry in order to ensure the fulfillment of the tasks facing the founder;
– Provision of engineering services during construction works in the system of ministries or other organizations;
– Performance of duties of the general contractor and technical supervision of construction works and provision of services for the operation of buildings and structures;
– Perform the tasks of the sole customer for capital construction and repair, as well as reconstruction and improvement of facilities;
– Ensuring the fulfillment of contractual obligations for the commissioning of construction projects within the specified timeframes;
– Ensuring high-quality preparation of initial permitting, pre-project and design documentation within the established timeframes, compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents on urban planning;
– Creation of the necessary conditions for the performance of construction and installation works at facilities;
– Determining sources of project financing, planning purchases, determining procurement procedures and ensuring their transparency and legality;
– ensure technical control over the execution of design and construction works, organize author's control and organize acceptance of objects for use in compliance with the norms and rules of urban development;
– ensure transparency and legality of relationships between entities in the field of urban development activities;
– organize works related to the construction, reconstruction and operation of sanitary service infrastructure facilities, participate as a customer and general contractor;
– perform construction and contract works in the ministerial system specified in the agreement approved within the framework of the implementation of the annual investment program, the construction work program;
– organize construction works and provide services at facilities with an increased degree of danger;
Republican Center for Organization of Sanitary and Cleaning Works — the main tasks of the Center include:
– implementation and development of information and communication technologies in the sphere, improvement of the unified system of subscriber and payment accounting, including electronic payment systems;
– centralized reimbursement of expenses for the use of electronic payment systems when collecting mandatory payments for garbage collection and removal services;
– full coverage of the population with household waste collection and removal services, consistent continuation of work aimed at increasing the volume of sorting and recycling of household waste, introduction of modern innovative technologies into the sphere;
– performing the functions of the working body in terms of forming tariffs for household waste collection and removal services, their economic and technical justification, coordination with the competent authorities;
– wide involvement of the private sector in the sphere, participation in the implementation of public-private partnership agreements, development of project proposals and business plans for investment projects, implementation of social projects;
– systematic monitoring and analysis of the provision of services for the collection and removal of household waste, coordination of the financial and economic activities of sanitary cleaning enterprises included in the system of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change.
Agency of the Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan
– development and improvement of the state system of hydrometeorological observations;
– provision of economic sectors, the population and the armed forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan with hydrometeorological information;
– Organization and maintenance of the state fund of hydrometeorological information, the state fund of information on environmental pollution, state accounting of surface waters;
– Coordination of all work on the creation and maintenance of the state water cadastre;
– Regular monitoring of air, soil, surface water pollution, as well as the occurrence and development of hazardous hydrometeorological phenomena;
– Conducting research to improve short-term and long-term weather forecasting, river water content and climate change.
Forestry Agency:
– Permission to collect (procure) plant species not listed in the Red Book, extraction from the natural environment on the lands of the state forest fund;
– Permission to mow hay on areas allocated for mowing of the forest fund;
– Permission to graze cattle on pastures of the forest fund;
– Auction portal for leasing forest fund lands under public-private partnership conditions.