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According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 7, 2023 “On measures for effective organization of state management in the sphere of investment, industry and trade in the framework of administrative reforms” No DP-111 the main tasks and directions of the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade in the sphere of trade development are:

  • realization of a unified state policy in the sphere of trade, monitoring and analysis of the state of the markets, introduction of technical regulations complying with international requirements into production processes, coordination of foreign trade regulation and development of e-commerce;
  • development of foreign trade infrastructure, including increasing export routes, export support, marketing research in the domestic and foreign markets;
  • expansion and strengthening of economic relations with foreign countries, promotion of foreign economic interests of the country, coordination of the processes of joining the World Trade Organization and cooperation with other economic organizations, coordination of activities of permanent representatives of the Republic of Uzbekistan in international and foreign financial and economic institutions, as well as employees dealing with issues of foreign economic activity in foreign institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Latest update: 2024-08-29 11:51:58