The procedure for biotechnical measures has been defined
2025-01-27 12:00:00 / News

This document outlines the objectives, methods, and requirements for conducting biotechnical measures, as well as the development of plans, monitoring of results and other related matters.
By April 1, 2025, information on the implementation of biotechnical measures for the protection and rational use of wildlife will be available in the unified geoinformation database of the state environmental monitoring system.
According to the Resolution, biotechnical measures are carried out for the following purposes:
—Ensuring the preservation of various wild animal species;
—Conserving habitats and migration routes of wild animals, while implementing measures for their protection;
—Creating favorable conditions for the natural reproduction of wild animals used for hunting and enhancing the productivity of hunting and fishing grounds;
—Returning wild animal species to their former habitats and breeding them in semi-free conditions;
—Ensuring the survival of wild animals under adverse weather conditions;
—Carrying out quarantine, veterinary, sanitary, therapeutic, and preventive measures to protect animals from infectious diseases;
—Rescuing wild animals affected by natural disasters or trapped in unnatural conditions;
—Creating favorable conditions for the development of ecological and hunting tourism.
Methods for implementing biotechnical measures
Biotechnical measures will be carried out through the following methods:
—Planting cover crops, shrubs and plants to provide additional food for wild animals;
—Building biotechnological facilities, temporary feedlots and sites;
—Restoring natural drinking water sources for wildlife;
—Preparing feed stocks, organizing artificial feeding points and placing mobile feeders along migration routes and in areas of potential migration;
—Increasing the possibility of creating shelters for wild animals by densely planting trees, shrubs, and other plants, and by clearing dry branches and rejuvenating trees every 2-3 years in wildlife habitats;
—Breeding fish annually to replenish caught fish and cleaning natural nurseries and fish farming areas from underwater vegetation;
—Rescuing wild animals in distress or unfavorable conditions;
—Regulating the population of certain species of wild animals that spread diseases harmful to humans, damage economic activities, or destroy natural nests and dens of other animals;
—Conducting necessary quarantine, veterinary and therapeutic measures to protect wild animals from infectious diseases.
Biotechnical measures may also include other methods, taking into account the climatic and weather conditions of specific regions and the habitat of particular wild animal species.
In addition, according to the decree, entities conducting biotechnical measures are required to develop and define a plan for the upcoming year by December 1, specifying the territories where the measures will be implemented. This plan must be submitted annually by January 10 to the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional administrations and Tashkent city. If the information is incomplete, or if the attached documents contain incorrect or distorted details, or if the plan is resubmitted without addressing previously identified deficiencies, the plan will be rejected.