ITI Environment and Environmental Technologies
About the activity
Tashkent Institute of Water Supply, Sewerage, Hydraulic Structures and Engineering Hydrogeology (TashNII "VODGEO") was established in 1960 as a laboratory of water management of the village industry at the Central Asian Scientific Research Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, in 1964 it became known as "VODGEO". The Department of Water Management was created at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute, and in 1978 "VODGEO" was transformed into the Tashkent branch of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute. Since December 1992, the Institute has been a structural subdivision of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In order to implement the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to ensure the organization of the State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated April 21, 2017 RP-2915, as well as in accordance with orders No. 146 and No. 17, No. 91 dated April 26, 2017. According to certificate No. 538681 dated August 21, 2017 of the Ministry of Ecology and Environmental Protection and Behavior Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Research Institute of Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan began work.
The Research Institute of Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Ecology and environmental protection and Legislative Reform of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the legal successor of ToshITI "SUVGEO", "ITLTI ATMOSPHERE" and NNPG "Ecology of Water Management".
Implementation of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures for further development of the research base in the field of ecology and environmental protection" dated November 26, 2018 RCM-958, as well as the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Republic of Uzbekistan According to order No. 417 dated November 29, 2018 and environmental protection "Research Institute of Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Uzbekistan" "Environment and Nature" of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Uzbekistan was transformed into a research institute of protection technologies.
The activities of the institute are aimed at solving current and future tasks of the Ministry of Ecology in the field of natural resources protection. Currently, the greatest interest and relevance are developments in the purification of waste and natural water from toxic substances, heavy metals, biogenic elements, water, soil and soil purification from oil products. The goal of the institute is to reduce environmental pollution in our republic and reduce the volume of waste water discharged by industrial, agricultural and municipal facilities into natural water sources. This is one of the main research organizations for the development of water protection technologies, and also solves problems associated with the development of technologies for improving the quality of drinking water. The city is developing measures for the purification and additional purification of domestic and industrial waste water and their mixtures, which allow achieving standards for discharge into sewers and open water bodies, thereby reducing the anthropogenic load on open water bodies and the environment.
Laboratory of Water Resources Protection
The laboratory provides services for the development of technologies for the purification and further purification of domestic and industrial wastewater and their mixtures, which allows achieving discharge standards into municipal sewers and open water bodies, thereby reducing the anthropogenic load on open water bodies and the environment. Biotesting services. Develops regulatory documents such as ZVOS, ZEP, MDV, PDO, MPD, RSV.
Department of "Development of Waste Processing and Utilization Technologies"
It combines the scientific developments of the republic, scientists and specialists of the structural division of the institute, including its own scientific and technical developments and work on the use of secondary raw materials in the sectors of the republic's economy.
Laboratory of Atmospheric Air Protection
The main areas of activity of the laboratory:
- solving problems in conducting scientific research on the development and creation of methods and equipment that reduce air pollution by emissions of harmful substances emitted by industrial enterprises;
- disposal, recycling and disposal of toxic industrial, agricultural, household waste that pollutes the atmosphere;
- development of an inventory and measures to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, calculation of the environmental risk category of enterprises.
Department of Biodiversity Conservation
The main problem is that biodiversity is not sustainable. It recognizes the interrelationship and interconnectedness of all biological parts of nature. Most often, three types of this concept are distinguished:
- biodiversity of species - the diversity of all plants and animals, including various bacteria and microorganisms;
- genetic diversity - the diversity of the genetic material of species and the biodiversity between them;
- diverse ecological systems - the wealth of ecological systems (e.g. mountain forests, deserts or savannas, deserts and seas, etc.).
Together, these three types make up biodiversity. Therefore, maintaining each of these levels is crucial for preserving biodiversity as a whole.
Laboratory for the Protection of Land Resources
The main objectives are aimed at improving the environmental and melioration situation in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and protecting the soil environment.
Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
- The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the strategy of actions for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" DP-4947 dated February 7, 2017;
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further improve the forest management system" RCM-530 dated July 19, 2017;
Other regulatory documents related to this activity, to one degree or another, serve as the results of scientific research of this laboratory.
During its activity, the institute has completed more than 2,000 research projects, most of which were used in the design and construction of national economy facilities in the Republic of Uzbekistan, union republics, current CIS countries, as well as abroad (Germany, Estonia).