"Helping birds in winter": school students made 100 birdhouses
2024-11-22 09:00:00 / News
The event was attended by teachers, eco-active students, and their parents. The purpose of the event is to form students' love for ecological culture and nature, to take care of animals, to increase their responsibility for environmental protection, and to teach them to apply their knowledge of exact, natural, and practical sciences to realize their creative abilities.
As part of the event, a creative competition for the production of birdhouses from recycled materials was held among students in grades 1–7 of the school. In total, the children made 100 birdhouses during the competition. As a result, the participants were adequately awarded for the best work. The largest number of birdhouses were made in this campaign.
For information: such actions are regularly carried out by the Ministry of Ecology. In particular, the campaign "Help birds in winter" was organized to celebrate International Bird Feeding Day on February 3.