The minister of higher education, science and innovation held talks with the deputy director general of JICA
2024-03-06 09:55:00 / News
The parties held negotiations to strengthen the institutional management and independent development potential of the Uzbek-Japanese Youth Innovation Center.
During the meeting, the results of the 1st stage of the development program of the Uzbek-Japanese Youth Innovation Center were discussed and an agreement was reached on the start of the 2nd stage of the project. Issues such as expanding cooperation with the JICA agency, involving volunteers in the educational process, organizing short-term training programs and courses, and implementing promising joint projects in the field of education were also discussed.
It is worth noting that within the framework of the 1st stage of the Technical Cooperation Project of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), 15 young scientific researchers from the universities of Nagoya, Sukuba, Keyo, Akita, Kyushu, Teykio, Yokoxama, as well as the institutes of technology of Tokio, Nagoya, Shibaura will receive training and a master's degree, as well as study at the PhD stages of doctoral studies. Funds for 9 scientific studies were allocated from the MIRAI Foundation. In addition, many international conferences, seminars, trainings were organized, and memorandums of cooperation were signed with a number of prestigious Japanese higher education institutions and research institutes.