The working group with the participation of representatives of the State Geological Monitoring Service conducted research at the Kamchik Pass
2025-01-03 16:55:00 / News
The working group included employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the State Geological Monitoring Service of the State Enterprise “Uzbekhydrogeology”, the Committee of Roads, the Kokand Regional Railroad Hub and the Hydrometeorological Service Agency. They jointly conducted research work on the areas of high risk of rockslides, landslides, avalanches and mudslides located on the highway A-373 “Tashkent - Osh” and the electrified railroad “Angren - Pop” passing through the territory of the pass “Kamchik”.
Employees of the State Geological Monitoring Service provided information on potentially hazardous areas where there is a risk of landslides and rock falls. Recommendations were given on stone dumping, cleaning of road ditches and other similar measures.