Youth policy
On the implementation of the state youth policy in the system of the Ministry of Mining Industry and Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The state youth policy in the system of the Ministry of Mining Industry and Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan is implemented on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 5 July 2017 № PF-5106 "On improving the effectiveness of the state youth policy and supporting the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan".
In the system of the Ministry of Mining Industry and Geology, a programme of measures for the implementation of state youth policy has been approved for 2024, and work is carried out in accordance with this programme.
The Ministry has a total of 25 subordinate organisations with 120,994 employees. Of these, 32,044 are employees under 30 years of age.
As part of the implementation of State youth policy, cooperation has been established with non-profit NGOs, citizens' self-governance bodies and other civil society institutions (the Youth Union of Uzbekistan and the National Spiritual and Outreach Centre). In particular, a memorandum of cooperation has been signed with the National Committee of Geologists of Uzbekistan, an NGO.
Special scientific, technical and creative circles have been set up to provide young people with meaningful leisure time. In particular, a permanent Council of Young Professionals has been set up at the Institute of GIDROINGEO.
Events and sports competitions in mini-football, table tennis and volleyball are constantly held with the aim of developing physical culture and sports among young people, stimulating their desire for a healthy lifestyle and interest in sports, for the organisation of which agreements for the lease of premises with sports organisations are concluded, as well as sports rooms equipped with fitness equipment are equipped in the subordinate enterprises.
The events are covered in the mass media.
Leader of the Youth Union of the Ministry of Mining Industry and Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Khasanov Mirzobek Murotovich Khasanov
Contact phone number: (+998 71) 231-05-96