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Laboratory research

Laboratory service and its place in the development of the geological industry of Uzbekistan

The laboratory service of the geological industry of Uzbekistan has been created and operates to provide, at a high level, analytical data for geological exploration in the search and exploration of mineral deposits and natural waters.

The purpose of the laboratory service is to timely provide the country's geological service, represented by the State Committee for Geology, with reliable and high-quality analytical research.

Laboratories carry out a wide range of measurements, tests and research required for the study of minerals and rocks. Analytical work significantly increases the efficiency and reliability of forecasts and prospecting for minerals, allows for a deeper and more comprehensive study of their quality, reduces the time for assessing and calculating raw material reserves during exploration, in accordance with the geological assignments of the government of the country.

Laboratory service structure

The industry laboratory service consists of 3 main levels:

Centralized - SE "Central Laboratory" (hereinafter referred to as CL);

On-site production - Laboratories of geological enterprises and expeditions;

Specialized - Scientific laboratories operating as part of industry research institutes.

There are 17 laboratories in the industry today.

All laboratories except the Central Laboratory are located in the structure of their enterprises.

The CL is the head organization of the State Committee for Geology in the field of monitoring compliance with sample preparation methods and methods of performing analytical work, as well as monitoring the quality of work.

State Unitary Enterprise “Central Laboratory” (Tashkent) - performs all types of analyzes - spectral (spillage and full), gold measurement, chemical, assay, mineralogical, mass spectrometric, SES analysis for gold.
Laboratory of JSC "Regionalgeologiya" (Samarkand) - spectral spillage, gold-metric analyzes, chemical, assay-spectral, assay, mineralogical analysis.
Laboratory of SI "IMR" (Tashkent) - spectral - spillage, gold measurement, chemical analyzes.
Laboratory of SI "IMR" Ingichkinskaya OMTE (Samarkand region) - assay and chemical analyzes.
Laboratory of JSC "Regionalgeologiya" (Tashkent) - chemical analyzes, study of physical and mechanical properties of nonmetallic minerals.
Laboratory of the SI "Uzbekhydrogeology" (Tashkent) - complete and abbreviated water analysis for determination of dry residue, pH, chlorosulfate, nitrate, hydrocarbonate, carbonate ions, as well as calcium, magnesium, ammonium ions; determination of oil products, phenols, pesticides, heavy metals.
Hydrochemical laboratory West Uzbekistan GGE (Bukhara) - abbreviated water analysis.
Hydrochemical laboratory of Fergana GGE (Kokand) - abbreviated analysis of water, oil products, water extracts.
Hydrochemical laboratory of the Aral hydroelectric power station (Nukus) - abbreviated water analysis.
Laboratory of JSC "Uranredmetgeologiya" (Tashkent) - fluorescent X-ray, neutron activation, XRF, Gamma spectrum. on Ra, particle size distribution, СО2, mineralogy, chemistry.
Laboratory of SI Institute "Hydroingeo" (Tashkent) - abbreviated water analysis.
Laboratory of JSC "Tashkentgeology" (Angren) - assay and chemical analysis.
JSC "Kyzylkumgeologiya" Laboratory of the Daugyztaus geological survey (Navoi region, Daugyz settlement) - assay analysis.
JSC "Kyzylkumgeologia" Laboratory of the Kyzylkum geological survey (Navoi region, Muruntau settlement) - spectral analysis, assay analysis.
Physical and chemical laboratory methods of JSC "Samarkandgeologiya" (Samarkand) - physical and mechanical testing of rocks and ores.
Laboratory of State Unitary Enterprise "O'zGEORANGMETLITI" (Almalyk) - XRF analysis.
Laboratory of SI "Geology and Geophysics" (Tashkent) - microprobe analysis of rocks
Laboratory equipment.

There is a constant renewal of the laboratory equipment. Laboratories are equipped with such modern instruments as melting-cupellation furnaces for assay analysis, modern microscopes for mineralogical analysis of geological objects, automated installations with high-resolution instruments for spectral analysis, Agilent mass spectrometers and optical emission spectrometers with inductively coupled plasma, XRF analyzers and the latest equipment for sample preparation, such as crushing and grinding equipment, stone cutting, polishing machines, etc.
Goals, objectives and priorities for the development of laboratory services.
The priority directions of development of the laboratory service in the industry mainly depend on the direction of geological exploration and serve the development of the industry.

In the coming years, these are:

1. Development and widespread introduction of methods related to inductively coupled plasma, namely mass spectrometric and emission analysis techniques.

2. Expansion of quantitative methods of chemical and physical methods, such as atomic absorption analysis, chemical X-ray spectral analysis.

3. Development of multi-element X-ray spectral methods. both stationary and field.

4. Study of the material composition geologically


Latest update: 2024-02-21 10:49:42