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In the first half of 2024, 62.3 thousand industrial enterprises operating in the country produced industrial products worth 370 trillion soums, which is an increase of 107.8 percent compared to the corresponding period in 2023.
55.7 percent (206.2 trillion soums) of the industrial products produced during this period came from sectoral enterprises, while 44.3 percent (163.8 trillion soums) came from regional enterprises.

Specifically, the manufacturing industry accounted for 83.2 percent (307.8 trillion soums), the mining industry accounted for 8.9 percent (31.2 trillion soums), the electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply industry accounted for 7.8 percent (29.0 trillion soums), and the water supply, sewerage, and waste management industry accounted for 0.6 percent (2.0 trillion soums).

Within the manufacturing industry, textile products accounted for 16.8 percent (51.6 trillion soums), food products accounted for 16.1 percent (49.8 trillion soums), and electrical products accounted for 4.6 percent (14.1 trillion soums).

Compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, high growth rates were observed in the production of:
- Buses (13.4 percent)
- Passenger cars (9.1 percent)
- Household appliances (9.0 percent)
- Electric power (5.7 percent)
- Knitted fabric (5.6 percent)

Among the regions of the country, the highest growth rates were observed in Tashkent city (9.6 percent), Andijan region (13.7 percent), Namangan region (9.8 percent), Navoi region (9.4 percent), Fergana region (8.7 percent), and Jizzakh region (8.3 percent).

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Latest update: 2024-08-29 14:19:49