#Good news. A group of women working in the field of culture and art were awarded state awards of various levels
2025-03-05 10:00:00 / News

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Awarding in Connection with March 8 – International Women's Day," the following women engaged in the field of culture and arts have been awarded various state honors:
Order of "Dostlik" (Friendship):
- Mirzayeva Khabiba Babayevna – Member of the "Oltin Meros" (Golden Heritage) Folklore Ensemble, Head of the "E’zozli Ayollar" (Honored Women) Sports Club, Okoltin District, Syrdarya Region.
Medal of "Kelajak Bunyodkori" (Builder of the Future):
- Yoqubjonova Shakhnoza To‘lqinjon qizi – Master's student at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music.
- Fayzullayeva Madina Hikmatillayevna – Singer at the "Uzbekconcert" State Institution.
Medal of "Shuhrat" (Glory):
- Abdusalamova Farogat Sunnatulla qizi – Head of the Choir of the Uzbekistan State Symphony Orchestra.
The Ministry of Culture congratulates the recipients on receiving these prestigious state awards.