PRESS RELEASE - About the creative and educational evening of the People's Court of Uzbekistan Hasan Rajabi and representatives of the Rajabi dynasty
2024-11-15 15:00:00 / Press-releases

To implement the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 31, 2024, No. 14, "On measures to prepare for and hold creative and educational evenings with the participation of Uzbekistan’s artistic figures at a high level," a creative and educational evening featuring the People's Singer of Uzbekistan, Hasan Rajabiy, and representatives of the Rajabiy dynasty was held on November 15 of this year at the "Ma'rifat Markazi" Symposium Palace in Tashkent.
Previously, creative and educational evenings had been organized at the "Ma'rifat Markazi" Symposium Palace in Tashkent featuring Uzbekistan’s Hero and People's Artist Munojat Yo‘lchiyeva, People's Artist Jenisbek Piyazov, People's Artist Abduhoshim Ismoilov, and the Yunus Rajabiy Maqom Ensemble. Additionally, a concert program titled "Mumtoz Navolar" was prepared by professors and students of the Yunus Rajabiy Uzbek National Music Art Institute. The event also included performances by teachers of the Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture, including People's Artist Khayrulla Lutfullayev, People's Singers Beknazar Do‘stmurodov, Orolmirzo Safarov, Soyibjon Niyozov, and Mashrab Ermatov, as well as Honored Artists Hurriyat Isroilova, Ahmadjon Dadayev, and People's Bakhshi artists Qahhor Rahimov, Boyqo‘chqor Ahmedov, Ochil Chorshanbiyev, Shodmon Xo‘jamberdiyev, and Erkin O‘rolov.
The event was attended by prominent state and public figures, writers, poets, cultural and artistic representatives, community activists, scholars, students, and members of the media.
Creative and Educational Evening of the People’s Singer of Uzbekistan Hasan Rajabiy and Representatives of the Rajabiy Dynasty
📍 Tashkent, "Ma'rifat Markazi" Symposium Palace
📅 November 15, 2024
⏰ 15:00
🎤 Opening
- Oxunjon Ibodov
- A’loxon Sadikova
🎬 Video: "Life and Work of Yunus Rajabiy"
🎼 Performance: "Kuy"
- Mo‘g‘ilchai navo (from Navo maqom)
- Performed by Sozandalar Ensemble
🎵 Song: "Bastakor Yunus Otam"
- Lyrics: Jamol Kamol
- Music: Qashqarchai Ushshoq
- Performed by People’s Singer of Uzbekistan Hasan Rajabiy
🎬 Video: "Kuygay" by Yunus Rajabiy
🎶 Performance: "Kuygay"
- Lyrics: Hamid Olimjon
- Music: Yunus Rajabiy
- Performed by People’s Singer of Uzbekistan Hasan Rajabiy
🎤 Speech by Hosts
🎬 Video about Obid Yunusov
🎼 Performance: "Xurram"
- Music: Ariel Boboxonov
- Performed by Honored Artist of Uzbekistan Toxir Rajabiy
🎵 Song: "Koshki"
- Lyrics: Alisher Navoi
- Music: Yunus Rajabiy
- Performed by Honored Artist of Uzbekistan Toxir Rajabiy
🎶 Performance: "Qadax"
- Lyrics: Alisher Navoi
- Music: Yunus Rajabiy
- Performed by Dutorchilar Ensemble of the Uzbekistan State Philharmonic Society
🎵 Song: "Ne Navo"
- Lyrics: Alisher Navoi
- Music: Yunus Rajabiy
- Performed by Singer Aziz Rajabiy
🎼 Performance: "Gulsochar"
- Performed by Singer Aziz Rajabiy
🎶 Performance: "Dutorim"
- Music: Yunus Rajabiy
- Performed by People’s Singer of Uzbekistan Hasan Rajabiy
🎵 Song: "Tanovor"
- Traditional folk song
- Performed by Singer Yunus Rajabiy (4th generation)
🎼 Performance: "Rohat"
- Music: B. Mukhammedov
- Performed by Hayot Rahimov & Temur Azimov (5th generation)
🎤 Speech by People’s Singer of Uzbekistan Isroiljon Vahobov
🎼 Performance: "Paxta Syutasi"
- Music: Academic Yunus Rajabiy
- Performed by Yunus Rajabiy Maqom Ensemble
🎵 Song: "Baxt Yetaklab"
- Music: Yunus Rajabiy
- Performed by Yunus Rajabiy Maqom Ensemble singers