PRESS RELEASE: "About the International Forum on the theme 'Reforms in the Field of Culture and Art in New Uzbekistan"
2024-10-24 09:00:00 / Press-releases

Tashkent City, October 24, 2024
Today, within the framework of the "International Cultural Heritage Week," the Ministry of Culture held an international forum on the theme "Reforms in the Field of Culture and Art in New Uzbekistan" at the Youth Creativity Palace in the capital.
The forum was opened with an introductory speech by the Minister of Culture, Ozodbek Nazarbekov, who gave a presentation on the "Reforms being implemented in the field of culture and art in New Uzbekistan."
"Our ancestors always raised the banner of enlightenment high against ignorance, dedicating their intellect and abilities to the development of science and culture. However, I would like to emphasize an important point here. Great figures like Khorezmiy, Fergani, Beruni, or Zamakhshari did not emerge from this sacred land on their own. Neither Alisher Navoi nor Babur Mirza was born as a great poet overnight. The scientific and cultural environment of that time fostered such great personalities, recognized scholars, and philosophers. In this sense, today in Uzbekistan, under the leadership of our esteemed President Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev, special attention is being paid to the development of science, culture, art, and literature.
Based on the idea of 'Enlightenment against ignorance,' consistent efforts are being made to enhance the spiritual and ideological immunity of the population, especially the youth, and to strengthen peace and tranquility in our country," said Minister Ozodbek Nazarbekov.
The forum was attended by several international organizations, including TURKSOY Secretary General Sultan Raev, Secretary General of the Turkic Parliamentary Assembly Mehmet Süreyya Er, President of the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation Aktoti Raimkulova, as well as notable figures such as Azerbaijani writer and publicist Oguz Yunus Isahon oğlu, chairman of the TURKSOY Writers' Union, Kazakh poet, journalist, and editor Esdaulet Ulukbek, chairman of Kyrgyzstan's "Muras" Historical and Cultural Heritage Foundation, renowned historian, publicist, and journalist Moldokasimov Qiyas, Rector of Kazan State Institute of Culture Roza Shaykhaydarovna Akhmedieva, and head of the Turkish Language and Literature Department at Ege University, Fedekar Selami. In addition, Kristina Iamandi, an expert from ICOMOS, and Erik Hubert, a senior expert from the French Urban Planning University, participated online.
"President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, as the architect of New Uzbekistan, is implementing far-reaching reforms aimed at renewing the country both visually and spiritually, creating a new global image, and leading the nation towards the realization of its ancient dreams. These democratic reforms, rooted in national values, are transforming not only the lives of the Uzbek people but also their consciousness. The constructive and pragmatic foreign policy pursued by the Head of State plays a significant role in restoring and strengthening Uzbekistan’s long-standing position in Central Asia and the Turkic world. Since Uzbekistan became a full member of the Organization of Turkic States, cooperation within the framework of TURKSOY has reached a new level, just as in other fields.
Like in all member states, Uzbekistan is actively organizing Turkic Culture and Art Days, youth and theater festivals, and creative forums," said Sultan Raev during his speech.
Within the framework of the international forum on "Reforms in the Field of Culture and Art in New Uzbekistan," there were presentations on the "Living History" project, proposed by the President of Uzbekistan, as well as a presentation of the book "National Musical Instruments of Turkic-Speaking Countries," published by the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation. An exhibition of Uzbek national instruments and a performance of the play "Cholpon" also took place. The forum's events were held throughout the day according to the planned program (the program is attached).
“INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL HERITAGE WEEK” Program of the international forum on "Reforms in the Field of Culture and Art in New Uzbekistan," organized by the Ministry of Culture.
Number of proposed participants:
Total: 100 people, of which 10 are foreign and 90 are local.
24 October |
10.00-10.20 |
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Opening ceremony of the international forum on "Reforms in the Field of Culture and Art in New Uzbekistan": - Video clip about the reforms being implemented in the field of culture and art;
10.20 – 10.40 |
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Presentation by the Minister of Culture O. Nazarbekov on "Reforms being implemented in the field of culture and art in New Uzbekistan." |
10.40 – 11.10 |
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Speeches by international experts:
11.10 – 11.30 |
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Presentation of the book "National Musical Instruments of Turkic-Speaking Countries" published by the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation.
Minister of Culture O. Nazarbekov
11.30 – 12.00 |
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Coffee break |
12.00 – 12.50 |
Speeches by international experts: Oguz Yunus Isahon oğlu, honored cultural worker of Azerbaijan, well-known writer and publicist – "Cultural Relations between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan"; Esdaulet Ulukbek, Chairman of TURKSOY Writers' Union, Kazakh poet, journalist, and editor – "Cultural Heritage as a Link of Turkestan Unity"; Moldokasimov Qiyas, Chairman of Kyrgyzstan's 'Muras' Historical and Cultural Heritage Foundation, historian, publicist, and journalist – "Historical and Cultural Relations between Uzbek and Kyrgyz Peoples"; Speech by Roza Shaykhaydarovna Akhmedieva, Rector of Kazan State Institute of Culture; Fedekar Selami, Head of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature at Ege University – "Uzbekistan's Intangible Cultural Heritage and Universal Values." |
13.00 – 14.00 |
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Lunch |
14.00 – 14.30 |
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Presentation by I. Dadajonova, Head of the Research Institute of Cultural Studies and Intangible Cultural Heritage, and PhD in Art Studies, and J. Niyazbekov, Head of the Cultural Activities Development Department of the Ministry of Culture on "Modern Approaches to the Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage." |
14.30 – 15.00 |
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Speeches by international and local experts: E. Shermanov, Rector of the Yu. Rajabiy "Uzbek National Maqom Institute" – "Reforms in the Field of Cultural Education in Uzbekistan"; B. Ganiev, Director of the Uzbek State Musical Comedy (Operetta) Theater – "Reforms in the Field of Theater in Uzbekistan." |
15.00 – 16.00 |
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Short break |
15.00 – 16.00 |
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Meeting between the Minister of Culture O. Nazarbekov and foreign guests (Ministry of Culture) |
16.00 – 17.00 |
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Participation in the opening ceremony of the exhibition of Uzbek national musical instruments (Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater) |
17.00 – 18.00 |
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Interview of foreign guests with representatives of national media (Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater) |
18.00 – 20.00 |
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Performance of the play "Cholpon" (Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater) |
For more information:
+998 99 890 63 83, +998 91 588 90 85