The “Sharq Taronalari” XIII International Music Festival PRESS RELEASE
2024-08-20 20:00:00 / Press-releases

Held under the auspices of UNESCO, the “Sharq Taronalari” XIII International Music Festival will be held from August 26 to 30 in the ancient and unique city of Samarkand, known as “The Pearl of the Earth.”
“Sharq Taronalari” is considered one of the largest festivals in Central Asia. The main objectives of the festival are to promote the achievements in national music art to the wider public, to preserve and develop the cultures and traditions of nations, to support talented youth in the fields of music and singing, and to expand international creative ties while promoting the ideals of peace, friendship, and mutual tolerance.
Established in 1997 and held for the first time, the “Sharq Taronalari” International Music Festival welcomed musical groups and performers from 31 countries; by 2019, the number of participating countries had increased to 75 during the XII “Sharq Taronalari” festival.
More than 300 artists, scientists and representatives from about 80 countries of the world are participating in the XIII International Music Festival "Sharq Taronalari" scheduled to be held on August 26-30, 2024.
As of today, “Sharq Taronalari” has taken its place among the famous festivals not only in Central Asia but on a global scale. This is vividly evidenced by the increasing number of participants and the countries expressing desire to participate each year, alongside the growing level of the program’s quality.
The following program is planned for the XIII International Music Festival “Sharq Taronalari”:
On August 26, a solemn opening ceremony of the XIII International Music Festival “Sharq Taronalari” will be held in the city of Samarkand.
On August 27-28, an International Scientific and Practical Conference on the theme “Music Culture of Eastern Peoples: Principles of Creative Convergence in the Processes of Globalization” is scheduled, expecting the participation of musicologists, scientists from research centers, professors and teachers from musical higher education institutions, and researching doctoral and master’s students.
From August 27-29 (at 7:00 PM), a competition will be held among the participants of the XIII International Music Festival “Sharq Taronalari,” where the performances will be evaluated by an International Jury in two directions:
Professional (classical) level of folk music and song;
Music and song created by modern composers.
For reference. (Order No. 354 of April 25, 2019, on the approval of the regulations for the holding of the “Sharq Taronalari” International Music Festival (
To evaluate the performances of the competition contestants, an International Jury consisting of no less than seven members will be formed by the Organizing Committee.
The Jury will include highly qualified foreign and local musicologists, renowned artists, composers, and representatives from organizations of international art festivals in foreign countries.
During the evaluation process, the national identity of the songs, the harmony and meaning of the lyrics, the level of the performer’s skills, cultural attire, and stage movement will be the main criteria for the competition.
For the performance, a live ensemble of no more than 12 musicians will be allowed to participate.
The performances of the competition participants will be evaluated by the International Jury in two directions:
Professional (classical) level of folk music and song;
Music and song genres created by modern composers.
Winners of the competition will be awarded diplomas, statuettes, and cash prizes in the following amounts by the Organizing Committee:
“Grand Prix” — 10,000 US dollars;
1st place (in each genre) 2 x 5,000 — 10,000 US dollars;
2nd place (in each genre) 2 x 3,500 — 7,000 US dollars;
3rd place (in each genre) 3 x 2,000 — 6,000 US dollars;
The “Grand Prix” will not be awarded if no worthy candidate is found according to the decision of the International Jury.
According to the decision of the International Jury, only the “Grand Prix” prize will not be shared; the cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places may be shared.
Participants who took part in the competition but did not win will receive a diploma of participation in the “Sharq Taronalari” International Music Festival.
Winners of the competition must participate in the concert program of the solemn closing ceremony of the “Sharq Taronalari” International Music Festival.
Participants who have won the competition (laureates) cannot participate in this competition in the following years but may be invited to the festival as honored guests. Participants who participated in the competition and did not place are entitled to participate in the next competition.
Participants recognized by the organizers, creative unions, foundations, and independent jury members and fans will be awarded special diplomas and cash prizes of 500 US dollars in categories such as “Youngest Participant,” “Best Participant Recognized by Fans,” “Best Instrumental Music Performer,” and other nominations.
Each participant of the festival will receive a certificate of active participation in the “Sharq Taronalari” International Music Festival.
Note: Participants who have won the competition (laureates) cannot participate in this competition in the following years but may be invited to the festival as honored guests. Participants who participated in the competition and did not place are entitled to participate in the next competition.
On August 30, the solemn closing ceremony of the “Sharq Taronalari” XIII International Music Festival will take place in Samarkand, where the winners will be announced and awarded.
List of winners (festivals I and XII) at the “Sharq taronalari” International Music Festival from 1997 to 2019
List of award winners at the “Sharq taronalari” I International Music Festival. 1997 |
Position held |
Full name |
Country |
Awards (US) |
Gran pri |
Simara Imanova |
Azerbaijan |
10.000 |
1-place |
Munojat Yo'lchiyeva |
Uzbekistan |
5000 |
Shannu Khurana |
India |
5000 |
2-place |
Se Liin |
China |
3500 |
Shahrom Noziriy |
Iran |
3500 |
3-place |
Aleksandr Samojikov |
Russia |
2000 |
B.Ganbat |
Mongolia |
2000 |
Ramazan Stamgaziyev |
Kazakhstan |
2000 |
Special Jury Prize |
Turkmenistan music group |
"Neksiya" automobile |
Egyptian national music ansam |
UNESCO trophy |
Afganistan music group |
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” II international music festival. 1999 |
Gran pri |
Nasiba Sattorova |
Uzbekistan |
10.000 |
1-place |
Muhammad Omon |
Saudi Arabia |
7000 |
Yun Kong Son |
Korea |
7000 |
2-place |
“Lashari” ensemble |
Georgia |
5000 |
Jaspinder Narula Xonim |
India |
5000 |
3-place |
Olim Boboyev |
Tajikistan |
2000 |
Ustod Ali Hamidxon |
Pakistan |
2000 |
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” III International Music Festival. 2001 |
Gran pri |
- |
- |
- |
1-place |
Alim Gasimov |
Azerbaijon |
7000 |
Sohibjon Niyozov |
Uzbekiston |
7000 |
Abdunabi Ibrohimov |
Uzbekiston |
7000 |
2-place |
“Lashari” ensemble |
Georgia |
5000 |
Madkhushri Ramsonder Badaltjavhariy |
India |
5000 |
3-place |
Milliy musiqa ensemble |
Greece |
3000 |
Nohide Tokguz |
Turkey |
3000 |
Special Jury Prize |
"Altay" group |
Russia |
1000 |
"Музыканты" group |
Kyrgyzstan |
1000 |
Festival organizing committee trophy |
"Angan al-Shabab" group |
Egypt |
Maxsus mukofot |
List of awards at the "Sharq taronalari" IV International Music Festival. 2003 |
Gran pri |
"Uranhay” ensemble |
Russia (Tuva Republik) |
10.000 |
1-place |
Dilnura Mirzaqulova |
Uzbekiston |
7000 |
Fozil Jamshidiy |
Iran |
7000 |
2-place |
Ozoda Ashurova |
Tajikistan |
5000 |
Zabit Nabizade |
Azerbaijan |
5000 |
3-place |
Milliy musiqiy ensemble |
Afganistan |
3000 |
An'anaviy musiqiy ensemble |
Bangladesh |
3000 |
UNESCO trophy |
Abduhoshim Ismoilov |
Uzbekiston |
1000 |
Musiqiy ensemble |
India |
1000 |
Roman Kehman |
Israil |
1000 |
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” V International Music Festival. 2005 |
Gran pri |
- |
- |
- |
1-place |
Aygun Biylar |
Azeribajan |
7000 |
Nodira Pirmatova |
Uzbekiston |
7000 |
2-place |
"Viulan" group |
Italy |
5000 |
Kuwait Academy of music string instrument ensemble |
Kuwait |
5000 |
Urna Chahar Tuhchi |
Mongolia |
5000 |
3-place |
Korean music group |
South Korea |
3000 |
Shilpakala Academy musical group |
Bangladesh |
3000 |
"Nazaret" Orchestra |
Israil |
3000 |
Special Jury Prize |
National Brass Band |
Egypt |
2000 |
UNESCO Special Prize |
musical group led by Hanif Nabizoda |
Afganistan |
1500 |
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” VI international music festival. 2007 |
Gran pri |
Kuwait Music Institute group |
Kuwait |
10.000 |
1-place |
South Korean music institute group |
South Kora |
7000 |
2-place |
"An-Nil " national musical instrument group |
Egypt |
5000 |
Music group |
Italy |
5000 |
3-place |
"Ratang" group |
Keniya |
3000 |
"Seri Maharani Gazal" group |
Malasia |
3000 |
China National Youth Center Group |
China |
3000 |
YUNESKO sovrini |
Youngest participant Arzu Aliyeva |
Azerbaijan |
2000 |
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” VII international music festival. 2009 |
Gran pri |
Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Lale Begnazarova |
Turkmenistan |
10.000 |
1-place |
Gochag Askerov |
Azerbaijan |
7000 |
People's artist of Uzbekistan Matluba Dadaboyeva and ensemble of folk instruments |
Uzbekistan |
7000 |
2-place |
"Vinalog" rok-pop group |
South Korea |
5000 |
"Shem Tov Levi" ensemble |
Israil |
5000 |
3-place |
Ensemble of folk instruments of the State Institute of musical arts |
Kuwait |
3000 |
Laura Molika |
Italy |
3000 |
Special Jury Prize |
"Kunsu" opera artists |
China |
"Borte" group |
Mongolia |
"Big Mountain" group |
US |
Musiqiy group |
India |
"Shilpakala" national ensemble of the Academy of music |
Bangladesh |
List of recipients at the “Sharq taronalari” VIII international music festival. 2011 |
Gran pri |
"Park Jong-Vuk va Park Jonguk" |
South Korea |
10.000 |
1-place |
"Dunhuang nude vords" |
China |
7000 |
"Aysva" |
Lithuania |
7000 |
2-place |
"Lider" musiqiy group |
Russia |
5000 |
"Sato" musiqiy group |
Uzbekistan |
5000 |
"Ovoi mehriboni" music group |
Iran |
5000 |
3-place |
"Talilema" |
Madagascar |
3000 |
"Chvenburebi" |
Georgia |
3000 |
"Galkinish" group |
Turkmenistan |
3000 |
UNESCO Special Prize |
Ilyos Arabov |
Uzbekistan |
Jivan Gasparyan |
Armenia |
Nazeket Teymurova |
Azerbayijan |
For his contribution to the development of National Music |
"Huk Mongol" |
Mongolia |
"Dror" |
Israil |
"Yorqin ijrolar" |
"Varsi brazers" |
India |
Fan recognition |
"Hidden Dragen" |
Japan |
Samarkand City Hall Award |
Afghanistan Institute of Arts team |
Registan award of Samarkand regional government |
Xurshed Ibragimov |
Tajikistan |
Special Jury Award |
"Bogʻ aro" |
Uzbekistan |
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” IX International Music Festival. 2013 |
Gran pri |
Rashmiya Agarval |
India |
10.000 |
1-place |
"Sadoi Pamir" group |
Afganistan |
7000 |
"Lanaya" group |
Burkina Faso |
7000 |
2-place |
"Pentan" group |
Great Britain |
5000 |
"Sarihyun Gayageum Byungchangdan" group |
Republic Of Korea |
5000 |
National opera and drama theatre team |
China |
5000 |
3-place |
Abror Zufarov |
Uzbekistan |
3000 |
"Chikuyusha" group |
Japan |
3000 |
Catch-pop String-strong |
Austria |
3000 |
Special award winners |
Sanam Marvi |
Pakistan |
Galit Giat |
Israil |
Taul Triini |
Estonia |
Nadi Singapura |
Singapore |
Salomat Ayapov |
Karakalpakstan |
Sedar Hills |
US |
"Sharq taronalari" List of awards at the X international music festival. 2015 < BR > |
Gran pri |
"Jiangsu" women's orchestra |
China |
10.000 |
1-place |
"Shamisenʼ group |
Japan |
7000 |
2-place |
Chelm |
Poland |
5000 |
Silver Sepp |
Estonia |
5000 |
3-place |
"Quelite" |
Costa Rica |
3000 |
UNESCO Special Prize |
"Ayqulash yulduzlari" |
Uzbekistan |
1500 |
Samarkand City Hall Award |
Didgori |
Georgia |
Samarkand regional government award |
"EVA" ensemble |
Bulgaria |
Special Jury Award |
Afrikan voice |
Festival Direction award" Sharq taronalari |
Birjan Baziljanov |
Kazakhstan |
Ministry of culture and Sports Award |
"Sedaa" |
Mongolia |
Special awards |
Pung Ryu |
Republic Of Korea |
Lingua Franca ansambli |
Greece, Cyprus |
"Baxshi" trio |
Turkmenistan |
"Laus Nova" group |
Italy |
Yulduz Turdiyeva |
Uzbekistan |
"Buta" team |
Azerbaijon |
Ucell Communications special award |
Modern Maori Quartet |
New Zenland |
List of awards at “Sharq taronalari” XI international music festival. |
Gran pri |
Sohib Poshazoda |
Azerbaijan |
10.000 |
1-place |
Mohichehra Shomurodova |
Uzbekistan |
7000 |
"Keosong"people's artistic collective |
South Korea |
7000 |
2-place |
Kyrgyz artistic team |
Kyrgyzstan |
5000 |
Litwa artistic team |
Litwa |
5000 |
3-place |
"Nagesh" artistic team |
Iran |
3000 |
Indonesia artistic team |
Indonesi |
3000 |
Turkish artistic team |
Turkey |
3000 |
List of recipients at the “Sharq taronalari” XII International Music Festival. |
Gran pri |
Mehrinigor Abdurashidova |
Uzbekistan |
10.000 |
1-place |
"Qomuzchilar" duet |
Kyrgyzstan |
5000 |
Parviz Gasimov |
Azerbaijon |
5000 |
2-place |
"Archabil" group |
Turkmenistan |
3500 |
"Xatan" group |
Mongolia |
3500 |
3-place |
"Ayarxan" group |
Russia |
2000 |
"Badaxshon" group |
Tajikistan |
2000 |
Azizjon Abduazimov |
Uzbekistan |
2000 |
Ulugʻbek Elmurodzoda |
Uzbekistan |
2000 |