The head of the DIA of Bukhara region, Ikromjon Tursunov visited the "Tashlok" and "Okrabot" mahallas of the Gijduvan district to learn about the measures being implemented
2025-03-03 10:10:00 / News

In accordance with the decree of the President, work is being undertaken in 55 mahallas of high crime to prevent crime and promote a safe environment. Improvements in infrastructure, clean-up and beautification, the resolution of social problems, and the creation of employment have been intensified in these areas.
The head of the department also spoke with mahalla activists and residents and studied their problems. Within the framework of the "From Poverty to Prosperity" program, instructions were given for developing entrepreneurship and handicrafts, constructing small greenhouses in homes, and creating employment opportunities for unemployed individuals. Furthermore, it was decided to expand video surveillance systems based on the "Safe Street" and "Safe Walkway" projects.
As part of environmental improvement and beautification activities in the area, tree planting, ditch cleaning, and concreting are being conducted as part of the "Green Space" project. The accomplishment of the assigned tasks is continuously monitored, and such studies are conducted on a regular basis.
Press Service of the DIA of Bukhara region