A working group headed by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant General Pulat Bobojonov, has begun its work in the Kashkadarya region
2025-01-21 21:25:00 / News
A working group led by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant General Pulat Bobojonov, has begun its activities in the Kashkadarya region for the purpose of ensuring the effective implementation of the Resolution of the Head of our State “On measures to further enhance the effectiveness of the system for creating a safe environment in the republic's mahallas and early prevention of crimes in 2025.”
A meeting was held at the regional Internal Affairs Department with representatives from partner state bodies and organizations. The meeting focused on the issue of conveying the essence of this resolution to all levels of executive bodies and increasing its effectiveness using interactive methods.
According to the resolution, representatives of the internal affairs bodies, the prosecutor's office, the National Guard, the local government, and related organizations were assigned to each district and mahalla.
Also, instructions were given to the responsible persons to ensure the practical implementation of the priority goals set out in the President's Strategy "Uzbekistan - 2030", the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Crime Prevention", and the Concept of Public Safety.
In recent years, our country has adapted organizational and preventive foundations to create a safe environment that meets modern requirements in mahallas. These include early crime prevention by timely identifying the root causes of committed violations and targeting their targeted elimination with complex measures. They also include solving socio-domestic problems that cause violations through a system of social preventive measures and forming a sense of personal security among the population.
In each mahalla where crimes were committed last year, quarterly targeted measures were determined for stabilizing the criminogenic situation and early prevention of crimes at the mahalla level, uniting directly responsible leaders for its implementation at the mahalla-district-regional level and assigning specific sectoral responsibilities, taking organizational and legal measures to identify and eliminate the main factors causing crimes by conducting targeted studies based on scientific and practical approaches. In addition, determining the specific responsibilities of each of the members of the "mahalla seven" in preventing crimes committed within mahallas by young people, women, and unemployed individuals.
Instructions were given to involve as widely as possible the "E-social prevention" and "E-administrative work" information systems in practice in the future in order to develop an effective system of early prevention of crimes.
Press Service of the MIA