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The "Head of the MDIA Cup" volleyball competition was held among employees of internal affairs bodies Tashkent region

2024-12-15 11:15:00 / News

As a means of popularizing team sports among employees of the internal affairs bodies and promoting a healthy environment, a volleyball competition was held among employees of the sectoral services entitled the "Head of the MDIA Cup."

A tense and uncompromising game ended with the Main Department team winning the cup and taking first place among the men, the first region team taking second place, and the second region team taking third place.

Likewise, among the women, the Main Department team took first place, followed by the 2nd region team, and the 1st region team finished an honorable third. Management of the Internal Affairs Department presented diplomas and souvenirs to the winners.

Press Service of the MDIA of Tashkent Region


Latest update: 2024-12-16 01:16:23