Training courses on “Forensic investigation types and the use of artificial intelligence” were completed at the Advanced Training Institute of the MIA
2024-11-30 09:50:00 / News
A three-day training course on “Forensic investigation types and the use of artificial intelligence” conducted by employees of the Korean National Police Agency and Kyungbuk National University has been completed at the Advanced Training Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The participants of this seminar were engaged in the practical study of modern opportunities of forensic investigation activities and methodologies on advanced solutions of forensic examination, as well as strengthening their knowledge and skills on modern forms and methods of teaching professors and teachers, prospects for the use of artificial intelligence and innovative technologies.
The seminar was held in a spirit of active discussion and exchange of views. Korean specialists provided detailed answers to the questions of the participants.
Press Service of the Advanced Training Institute of the MIA