During the event organized in the center of the district for the purpose of studying and resolving the problems and appeals of the citizens, each appeal was carefully considered. During the mobile reception, 22 citizens made appeals on a variety of issues
2024-06-29 08:30:00 / News

The head of the DIA of Samarkand region, the head of the 3rd sector, Rahmat Mamatov, met with the youth of Taylak district.
The main focus was to provide conditions and opportunities for young people to find their place in life, improve their access to higher education institutions in the region, help them determine their career goals, and provide them with solutions to their problems.
During the meeting, he had an open and sincere dialogue on topics such as the prevention of crimes and offences among young people. He also organized meaningful use of their free time and created a healthy environment.
Also, the sector head listened to the proposals and problems of young people, answered their questions in detail.
Press Service of the DIA of Samarkand region