The Crime Detection Department of the MIA discovered evidence of fraud and bribery regarding the sale of land
2024-05-31 17:50:00 / News

A person born in 1984 was caught while receiving $ 5,000 US dollars from a citizen born in 1986.
He promised to sell 4 of the 20 acres of land in the state reserve in Yangiyul district through an official acquaintance and agreed to sell it for $ 20,000 USD.
As a result of the measures taken, it was determined that his official acquaintance is a person working as an assistant mayor in Yangiyul district, born in 1973.
In this regard, the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs initiated a criminal case under Article 168, Part 4, Clause "a" of the Criminal Code, and two persons were arrested under Article 221 of the Criminal Code. Investigations are undertaken.