For the illegal cutting down of a tree in the Ferghana region, a citizen was ordered to pay 45 million sums and plant 100 tree seedlings
2024-03-26 13:40:00 / News

The Margilan City Branch of the Department of Ecology of the Fergana region received an appeal about cutting down trees on the territory of the city children's hospital.
When considering the appeal, it was found that M.I.'s technician cut down a perennial pine tree that was not part of the forest fund without permission.
For information: earlier on March 18, the state inspectors of the city Department of Ecology issued a warning letter about the ban on cutting down trees, which was ignored.
As a result of the incident, nature suffered damage in the amount of 36 million, 500 thousand sums. In addition, according to Part 1 of Article 79 of the AC, an administrative protocol was drawn up for the offender, and a fine of 25 BCV—8 million, 500 thousand sums was imposed. M.I. will pay a total of 45 million sums for his actions.
Also, based on the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated August 28, 2022, No. 464, "On further improvement of the procedure for planting, caring for, and using trees and shrubs not included in the State Forest Fund", the offender must plant 100 tree seedlings as compensation and take care of them for 3 years.