The state has imposed a ban on fishing in certain rivers and reservoirs
2025-03-16 11:00:00 / News
In accordance with Law No. 627 of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On hunting and hunting economy" dated July 8, 2020, and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 80 "On approval of the Rules for fishing in natural reservoirs of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated February 9, 2024, fishing is prohibited from March 11 to May 31 in the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers, and from April 26 to June 10 in the natural water bodies of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the Khorezm region.

Additionally, from April 16 to May 31, fishing is banned in all other natural water bodies.
These periods coincide with the spawning season, a critical time for fish reproduction. Fishing during this period can lead to a sharp decline in populations and put certain species at risk of extinction.
For reference: This regulation does not apply to intensive fish farming and aquaculture in artificial reservoirs and irrigation networks, as well as fish farming and fishing in cage farms.
Fishing during the prohibited periods and in restricted areas, as well as violations of fishing regulations, will result in administrative and criminal liability.