Illegally kept rare predator transferred to Tashkent Zoo
2025-02-26 17:30:00 / News
Department of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of Tashkent received a report about the illegal captivity of a wild animal in the Small Industrial Zone of the Yakkasaray district.

Regional department prevention inspectors investigated the report and discovered that the rare predator was a Turkmenian caracal. This finding contravenes the laws "On Nature Protection" and "On Protection and Use of Wildlife".
For reference: The Turkmenian caracal is listed in the Red Book of Uzbekistan and Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) as an endangered, mosaically distributed subspecies.
With assistance from Tashkent Zoo specialists, the animal was sedated and transferred to the zoo. Currently, the predator is in good condition and under the care of experts.
The situation is currently under investigation.