Greenhouse activities in three districts have been studied
2025-02-07 10:00:00 / News

During the study on 4 of February, with media representatives present, a mobile laboratory was used to analyze air pollution levels at nine locations along the Tashkent Ring Road, from Eshonguzar settlement to the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. This road borders both Tashkent city and Tashkent region.
The analysis showed no exceedances of the established standards for PM-2.5 and PM-10 emissions. During the study, environmental monitoring was conducted on operational greenhouses and preventive measures were implemented to prohibit the use of harmful smoke-producing materials, such as automobile tires, plastic film, poultry manure and other prohibited substances for heating. Additionally, efforts were made to ensure the installation of dust and gas purification filters in greenhouse chimneys, in compliance with national standards.
During monitoring conducted by the State Inspectorate for Environmental Protection Supervision (using Google Maps), a total of 357 greenhouses covering 318.265 hectares were surveyed in an area with high air pollution levels, including 145 greenhouses with an area of 138.28 hectares in the Zangiata district, 134 greenhouses with an area of 142.84 hectares in the Kibray district and 78 greenhouses with an area of 37.145 hectares in the Tashkent district. The study found that 258 greenhouses are operational, while 99 are seasonal and not functioning due to the absence of a boiler room.
It was also determined that cucumbers and tomatoes are grown in 167 greenhouses, flowers in 71, greens in 12, lemons in 2, and other seedlings in 6. Regarding heating sources, 195 greenhouses use coal, 53 use hot water, and 9 rely on natural gas. Additionally, 69 greenhouses have an environmental assessment certificate, and 32 are equipped with filters.
During inspections 27 greenhouse owners were fined for violating ventilation system regulations.
Legal proceedings were initiated against 33 greenhouse owners to suspend operations.
166 greenhouse owners received warnings regarding the mandatory installation of dust and gas purification systems in compliance with state standards.