More than 100 Zarafshan junipers cut down in Dehkanabad district
2025-01-29 14:00:00 / News

In particular, three Zarafshan junipers were felled by citizen K.M. in the 4th forestry department, "Duob." As a result, the violator was fined and compensation for the damage to forestry was assessed at 51.81 million sums. A statement of claim has been filed with the Guzar Interdistrict Civil Court regarding this case. Administrative fines were also imposed on the former head of the 4th forestry department "Duob" and the forester for failing to fulfill their official duties.
Additionally, it was found that 38 Zarafshan juniper trees had been cut down by unknown individuals in the same area. Forester H.E. received a repeated administrative fine, and the damage to forestry was estimated at 94.39 million sums. A statement of claim has also been submitted to the Guzar Interdistrict Civil Court.
Furthermore, six Zarafshan juniper trees were illegally cut down near the border of the 3rd forestry department "Duob," causing damage amounting to 41.4 million sums. Administrative penalties were imposed on forester R.B., and the case materials were forwarded to the court.
In another instance, citizen H.A. was found responsible for illegally cutting down eight Zarafshan juniper trees, resulting in damages of 25.39 million sums. An administrative fine was imposed and the case materials were sent to the Guzar Interdistrict Court.
Meanwhile, 49 Zarafshan juniper trees were illegally felled by unidentified individuals in the forestry area, causing environmental damage amounting to 176.59 million sums. The case materials have been forwarded to the Dehkanabad district prosecutor’s office for damage recovery.
In total, 104 Zarafshan juniper trees were illegally cut down in the Duob Forestry area. Authorities are currently reviewing measures to hold those responsible accountable for negligence in performing their official duties.