Incident of Cobra Show at kindergarten investigated
2025-01-22 12:00:00 / News
The matter was investigated by the task force environmental team of the Tashkent Regional Department of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change. The investigation revealed that the incident occurred at a preschool in the Pskent district and was organized by a resident of the "Birlik" mahalla, J.H., who used two venomous cobras for the performance.
According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On measures to improve the order of keeping wild animals", it is prohibited for individuals to keep wild animals in semi-free conditions, artificially created habitats, or captivity, as well as to use them in circus performances. This prohibition is also stipulated in the Law "On Amendments and Additions to Article 43 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Protection and Use of Wildlife".
The cobras owned by J.H. were transferred to the Tashkent Zoo. All case materials have been submitted to judicial authorities for legal evaluation and the implementation of appropriate measures.