Public Discussion on the Draft Presidential Decree for the State Program was organized
2025-01-15 19:00:00 / News
More than 200 experts participated in the discussion to improve the draft State Program. These included members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, representatives of the foreign diplomatic corps and international organizations in Uzbekistan, officials from ministries, government agencies, and organizations, experts from the Development Strategy Center, as well as representatives from civil society institutions and the media. The event also welcomed heads and experts from UN agency offices in Uzbekistan (UNICEF, UNESCO, UNDP, FAO, UNFPA, UNAIDS, UNODC, ILO, WHO, UNHCR, UNECE), the World Bank, the Islamic Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and over 30 foreign experts from around the world.
In his speech, Deputy Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change Iskandar Kutbiddinov highlighted the environmental protection measures proposed in the draft Presidential Decree. He emphasized key areas such as air protection, environmental insurance, plastic waste reduction, the establishment of a "green entrepreneur" status, and other related initiatives.
"The purpose of the draft decree is to fulfill the objectives outlined in the Uzbekistan 2030 Strategy, address urgent environmental issues, prevent pollution, use natural resources responsibly, adapt to climate change and mitigate its effects, and create a favorable natural environment for the population," said I. Kutbiddinov.
It is worth noting that in recent years, significant attention has been paid to gathering public opinions, as well as input from foreign experts and the international community, when drafting key documents in Uzbekistan, particularly strategic ones directly related to the country's development.
During the event, information was presented on the content of the State Program, as well as the priority measures and tasks it outlines. The opinions and recommendations of foreign experts were also heard. Furthermore, it was emphasized that the draft State Program is a conceptual document aimed at building a free society and a just state that will ensure the well-being of the people of New Uzbekistan, along with peace, democracy, and human rights in the context of modern globalization. The importance of improving the Program through public discussions, including with representatives of the international community, was also underscored to ensure its popularization and full compliance with international standards.
For reference: The draft State Program for 2025 includes 295 practical measures, 87 regulatory legal acts, and 269 target indicators.
The draft Presidential Decree, "On the State Program for the Implementation of the Strategy 'Uzbekistan-2030' in the “Year of Environmental Protection and “Green” Economy", is available for public discussion on the national strategy portal Uzbekistan-2030. Suggestions and comments can also be submitted via the Telegram bot @Ekologiya_yili_bot. The draft is available in Uzbek and Russian.