3,000 fruit trees will be planted in Muynak district
2024-12-11 16:30:00 / News

For information: The project "Conservation and Management of Lakes, Wetlands, and Coastal Corridors as the Basis for a Sustainable and Land Degradation-Neutral Landscape of the Aral Sea Basin Supporting Sustainable livelihoods" ("Aral wetlands") aims to improve the stability of ecosystems and livelihoods in the basins of the Lower Amu Darya and the Aral Sea by preventing soil degradation combined with integrated management of land and water resources of productive landscapes around protected natural areas, key biodiversity territories, and key ornithological territories.
It is worth noting that despite the tragic drying up of the Aral Sea, its basin still contains critically important lakes, wetlands, and coastal ecosystems, although they are vulnerable to the influence of an unstable hydrological regime. The Aral Sea region is located on a very important flight path of many species of migratory birds between northern Europe and their wintering grounds in Africa and Asia.
The 3,000 seedlings of fruit trees transferred to the "Muynak" forestry will allow expanding the area of gardens in the Aral Sea region. It is noted that in a few years the trees will begin to bear fruit, thereby creating opportunities for creating new jobs and expanding the food supply for representatives of the fauna of the region.