2024-12-02 15:00:00 / News
Mukhitdinov Erkin Madorbekovich was appointed Head of the Forestry, Biodiversity, and Ecotourism Policy Department of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change in accordance with the relevant order of the Minister.

Erkin Mukhitdinov was born in 1976 in the Andijan region. He graduated from the Andijan Institute of Economics (Bachelor's degree) in 1997, the Academy of Banking and Finance (Master's degree) in 2000, and the Graduate School of the Institute of Developing Economies in Japan in 2007.
Prior to his appointment, he worked in various positions at the National Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs, JSCB "Turonbank", the Central Bank, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction, and in the khokimiyat of Akhangaran district.
Erkin Mukhitdinov is a doctor of philosophy in economics. He was awarded the Order of "Dustlik".