Damage to nature in the Chirchik region amounted to more than 273 billion sums
2024-10-31 11:15:00 / News

One of these raids was carried out in the coastal zone of the Chirchik River flowing through the territory of the "Samarkand" mahalla of the Yangiyul district of the Tashkent region, during which illegal extraction of sand and gravel mixture by a legal entity was suppressed.
For reference: in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 14, "On measures to streamline the extraction of non-metallic materials in reservoirs" dated January 17, 2024, an indefinite moratorium on the extraction of non-metallic materials in the beds of the Chirchik, Syrdarya, Sanzar, Zarafshan, Naryn, Kashkadarya, and Surkhandarya rivers was introduced.
It should be noted that this organization continued its activities, despite the fact that it had previously been warned and brought to justice by state inspectors.
The damage caused to nature as a result of the extraction of sand and gravel mixtures amounted to 273 billion 802 million 688 thousand sums. All the documents collected in the case were sent to the relevant law enforcement agencies.