As a result of illegal fishing, more than 6 billion sums worth of damage has been caused to nature
2024-09-30 13:20:00 / News
During the raid conducted at 04:30 in the morning on the Zarafshan River flowing through the territory of the Korovultepa mahalla in Navbakhor district, residents of the village of Toshrabot in the Kyzyltepa district, citizens of Sh., O.M., and A.Z., illegally fishing in the Zarafshan River with an electric fishing rod, were detained.
In total, the offenders caught 26 Asian-European carp, 8 grass carp, 6 hypophthalmichthys, 32 Eurasian carp, 32 wels catfish, 249 Samarkand Khramulya, and 46 red-book Turkestan barbels. As a result of the incident, nature suffered damage in the amount of 6 billion 324 million sums.
According to this fact, an administrative protocol has been drawn up against the offenders under Part 4 of Article 90 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Collected documents were sent to the regional prosecutor's office for a legal assessment of the situation and taking measures.