Bukhara deer was born in Surkhandarya region
2024-09-13 13:45:00 / News
Bukhara deer (Bactrian deer) was born in the Termez Zoo under the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change.
The cub is currently under the supervision of veterinarians and is in good condition.
For information: today, the Termez Zoo contains 4 individuals of Bukhara deer (2 males and 2 females). Bacteria deer is listed in the Red Book of Uzbekistan as an endangered species. It lives in the upper (Surkhandarya region) and middle (Kyzylkum reserve of Bukhara region) currents of the Amu Darya Valley.
Artificial groups created by reintroduction also reproduce in the Zarafshan National Nature Park and the Lower Amudarya Biosphere Reserve.