Officials who did not take care of tree seedlings in the Khorezm region were fined 91 million 800 thousand sums
2024-07-02 18:25:00 / News

Currently, 27 cases of improper care of tree seedlings have been identified. An administrative protocol has been drawn up against officials under Article 79 of Part 3 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and fines in the amount of 91 million 800 thousand sums have been imposed.
It is worth noting that special attention is paid to the care of seedlings planted throughout the republic within the framework of the national project "Yashil Makon". Those who irresponsibly approach this issue will certainly be prosecuted under the law.
Dear compatriots! Don't be indifferent to the plants planted around you! Make your contribution today to the care of a young seedling so that tomorrow it will grow into a large tree. After all, taking care of nature is the responsibility of each of us.