Foreign Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The Republic of Uzbekistan conducts an open, mutually beneficial and constructive foreign policy based on the national interests of the country. Current foreign policy of Uzbekistan is formed taking into account the dynamic changes in the world and the region as well as large-scale reforms within the country.
The main goal of the foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan is strengthening of the independence and sovereignty of the state, further enhancing the role and place of the country in international arena, joining the ranks of the developed democratic states, creating security, stability and good neighborliness belt around Uzbekistan.
The Republic is adherent to the policy of non-alignment with military-political blocs, preventing the deployment of foreign military bases and facilities on its territory, as well as the participation of the country's military personnel in peacekeeping operations or military conflicts abroad. Uzbekistan stands for the solution of all contradictions and conflicts exclusively by peaceful means.
Uzbekistan is open to dialogue and is interested in expanding cooperation with all partners in the name of peace, progress and prosperity, relying on the following basic principles: sovereign equality of states, non-use of force or threat, inviolability of borders, non-interference in the internal affairs of other states; fulfillment of international obligations in good faith, respect and protection of human rights and other generally recognized principles and norms of international law; indivisibility of security, openness and pragmatism, development of comprehensive good-neighborly relations with contiguous countries, strengthening of regional and international cooperation.
One of the main and primary tasks of the foreign policy is the effective implementation of the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026.
The following tasks have been set for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to achieve this goal:
- forming the most favorable foreign policy conditions for efficient implementation of the democratic reforms in the country and dynamic processes of modernization of society and economy;
- preserving and strengthening peace and stability in Central Asia, turning the region into a zone of security and sustainable development;
- forming balanced and multidimensional system of strategic partnership with the leading states of the world and international organizations;
- promoting international initiatives of Uzbekistan on the most important areas of regional and international policy;
- facilitating the increase of the volume and expanding the geography of exports of domestic products;
- assisting attraction of foreign direct investments and high technologies to the priority sectors of national economy;
- assisting in attraction of foreign tourists and development the tourist infrastructure of the republic;
- rendering assistance in expansion and deepening of cooperation in the field of transport and transit, development of international transport communications and logistics infrastructure;
- ensuring comprehensive protection of the rights and interests of citizens and legal entities of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad;
- strengthening the ties with the compatriots living abroad.
The main priority of Uzbekistan’s foreign policy is the region of Central Asia. Uzbekistan’s policy in Central Asia is aimed at ensuring peace and stability in the region, addressing the key problems of regional security, including contribution to the settlement of situation in Afghanistan. The Uzbek side will make every effort to strengthen regional trade and economic cooperation, develop regional transport and transit infrastructure, ensure fair and rational use of water resources of transboundary rivers in Central Asia and ecologic sustainability of the region, complete the process of the delimitation and demarcation of borders.
Uzbekistan is interested in strengthening friendly and good-neighborly relations with the countries of the region, developing scientific, technical, cultural and humanitarian cooperation with them, strengthening contacts between parliaments, border regions, NGOs and citizens.
Uzbekistan will further expand its relations with Afghanistan, actively participates in international efforts to peaceful settlement of situation in that country. The Uzbek side will continue to contribute to the economic reconstruction of Afghanistan, the development of its transport, industry, energy and social infrastructure. A stable and prosperous Afghanistan is a guarantee of the regional security in Central Asia.
Another priority direction of the foreign policy of Uzbekistan is the CIS member states, with which the country has historically formed political, economic, transport-communication and other ties. Uzbekistan builds bilateral relations of cooperation with CIS countries on the basis of equality, mutual benefit, respect and consideration of interests of each other.
Consistent development and comprehensive strengthening of friendly ties with Russia on the basis of the Treaty on Strategic Partnership (June 16, 2004), the Treaty on Allied Relations (November 14, 2005), and the Declaration on the Deepening of the Strategic Partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation (June 4, 2012) meet the interests of both countries and serve to enhance stability and security in the region. The most important task in bilateral relations is the full implementation of the agreements reached during the state visits of President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Russia on April 4-5, 2017 and President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to Uzbekistan on October 18-19, 2018.
The Republic of Uzbekistan is interested in further strengthening the strategic partnership with China as a close regional neighbor and the state, which plays one of the key roles in solving global issues. The development of relations with China is based on the Joint Declaration on the Establishment of a Strategic Partnership (June 6, 2012) and the Joint Declaration on the Further Development and Deepening Bilateral Relations of the Strategic Partnership (September 9, 2013) and the Joint Statement on Further Deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (May 12, 2017). The most important task in bilateral relations is to ensure the timely and full implementation of the initiatives and proposals of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, stated within the framework of the second International Forum "One Belt, One Road" on April 24-27, 2019.
Both countries are interested in the practical implementation of the decisions and agreements reached during the state visit of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Beijing on May 11-13, 2017, as well as in the framework of participation in the international forum «One Belt, One Road» on May 14-15, 2017.
One of the priorities of the foreign policy of Uzbekistan is the development of comprehensive, mutually beneficial and constructive cooperation with the United States of America on the basis of the Declaration on Strategic Partnership and Cooperation Framework between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the United States of America (March 12, 2002). Uzbekistan is interested in further enhancing cooperation with the United States in political, trade, economic, investment, technological, cultural and humanitarian spheres in order to support the ongoing modernization and reforms in the country aimed at strengthening the foundations of civil society and improving the living standards of the population. Important areas of bilateral cooperation are the promotion of peace and stability in Afghanistan, the fight against transnational threats and challenges.
Uzbekistan attaches great importance to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation with the EU and European states. The key areas of cooperation with European countries are development of trade, investment and financial cooperation, transfer of high technologies, partnership in science, education, ecology, health and culture, as well as strengthening of regional security. At the same time, special attention will be paid to the promotion of a higher level of bilateral relations with the leading states of Europe, in particular Germany, France, Great Britain, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Latvia and other countries.
Uzbekistan will continue its consistent policy of strengthening friendship and cooperation with Turkey, with which the country is linked by a centuries-old history, common language, religion, values, similar customs and traditions. The Republic will further develop mutually beneficial relations with Turkey in various areas, in particular in the spheres of trade, investment and tourism.
The priority direction of the foreign policy is the improvement of cooperation with the developed countries of the Asia Pacific region, in particular with the Republic of Korea and Japan. Uzbekistan will continue full-scale practical cooperation with these countries in the fields of investment, trade, high technologies and cultural-humanitarian cooperation.
Uzbekistan will actively enhance cooperation with partner countries in Southeast Asia - Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam and other countries.
The Republic of Uzbekistan supports the development of comprehensive and mutually beneficial relations with the countries of South Asia, in particular, with India and Pakistan, in trade and economy, transport, communication, tourism and other spheres.
Uzbekistan is interested in active development and strengthening of mutually beneficial relations with the states of the Muslim world in the spheres of economy, transport communications, finance, investments and tourism, including within the framework of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Islamic Development Bank, the Economic Cooperation Organization.
Uzbekistan will continue to participate actively in the work of the United Nations, considering it as the only universal organization responsible for maintaining international peace and security, as well as for promoting the sustainable development of states in the context of the rapid processes of globalization.
The Republic stands for the further development of partnership with the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Organization of Turkic States and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and will effectively use the mechanisms of these structures to develop multilateral cooperation to counteract modern challenges and threats.
Uzbekistan will make every effort to intensify cooperation with international financial institutions such as the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Asian Bank for Infrastructure Investments and the European Investment Bank for the realization of the new projects in the spheres of energy, transport, agriculture, housing construction, small business development and private entrepreneurship.
Today, the Republic of Uzbekistan has established diplomatic relations with 142 countries around the world. Today, 46 embassies of foreign countries, 3 consulates general, 13 honorary consuls, 24 missions of international organizations, 26 representations of international intergovernmental and governmental organizations of foreign states, 1 trade mission are operating in Tashkent.
59 diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Uzbekistan are accredited in foreign countries and international organizations. Uzbekistan is a member of more than 100 international organizations and develops interaction with various structures of multilateral cooperation.