Creative portrait Manzura Hamidova
2025-03-04 11:40:00 / News

Creativity is the priceless world of the human spirit, and the creator presents this world to existence.
People's Artist of Uzbekistan, Manzura Hamidova, dedicated her life to Uzbek national theater and television art.
She was born on March 8, 1914, in Tashkent. Initially, she worked at the Workers-Youth Theater in Tashkent (1934-1936), the Termez Theater (1936-1941), and the Muqimi Theater (1941-1943). From 1943 until the end of her life, she worked at the current Uzbekistan State Youth Theater.
In 1969, she was awarded the title of People's Artist of Uzbekistan, and in 1997, she received the "Labor Glory" order.
The performances featuring Manzura Hamidova include "Qovoqvoy va Chanoqvoy", "Farzandim-jigarbandim", "Eski jo‘va gavroshlari", "Oq kema", "Vanya Krutov", "Chiranchoq quyoncha", "To‘rt egizak", "Qizil qalpoqcha", "O‘z uyingdasan", "Revizor", "Uch mushketyor", "Mehrni ko‘p ko‘rgizdim", "Kecha va kunduz", "Shum bola", "Zumrad va Qimmat", "Sholg‘om", "Oltin yaproq", "Abdulla Nabiyev", "Gavana o‘g‘lonlari", "Oltin baliqcha", "Chippolino", "Ot kishnagan oqshomda", "Kim aybdor?"
Manzura Hamidova also played unique and unforgettable roles in Uzbek television projects such as "Otalar so‘zi – aqlning ko‘zi".
People's Artist of Uzbekistan, Manzura Hamidova, passed away on October 4, 1998.