Minister Ozodbek Nazarbekov participated in the republican scientific and practical conference on the topic "Renewal processes in the cultural environment of Behbudiy and Turkestan"
2025-01-28 14:00:00 / News

Today, on January 28, the Minister of Culture Ozodbek Nazarbekov participated in the national scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Mahmudkhoja Behbudi, organized by the Scientific Research Institute of Cultural Studies and Intangible Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture. The theme of the conference was "Behbudi and the Processes of Renewal in the Cultural Environment of Turkestan."
The event was attended by nearly 50 scholars, students, and media representatives who conducted research on the works and heritage of prominent figures, as well as scientific research institutions.
Despite the opposition of the dark forces of his time, Mahmudkhoja Behbudi led efforts to establish new-style schools, create textbooks, and build publishing houses and theaters in Turkestan. As a skilled publicist, he created several works and articles addressing the pressing issues of his time. Additionally, he published newspapers and journals such as "Samarqand" and "Oyina." In 1911, he gained significant attention among Turkestan intellectuals by creating the first play for Uzbek national theater. In 1914, his play "Padarkush" staged at the "Turon" theater laid the foundation of theater arts in the country. Unfortunately, the renowned writer and public figure became a victim of malicious forces.
The conference also discussed issues such as the foundations of the Turkestan Jadidism movement, its educational activities; the thinker’s views on statehood; the establishment of national theater and dramaturgy; his publishing and journalism activities reflecting national spirit; attention to M. Behbudi and national intellectuals in New Uzbekistan and their legacy; the creation of films; and the study of M. Behbudi’s scientific heritage abroad.
The aim of the scientific-practical conference was to study the current social, cultural, and educational significance of the activities of the representatives of the Jadidism movement in Turkestan, analyze the study of their cultural heritage during the years of independence, its return to the people, and its importance in promoting the national independence idea, and also to explore the spiritual-educational issues of the thinker’s legacy and their role in educating the perfect generation.