Theater employees were given an explanation of the content and essence of the presidential decrees.
2024-12-14 18:00:00 / News

Recently, the Head of the Department of Theater and Circus Arts Coordination of the Ministry of Culture, Husniddin Eshdavlatov, along with department officials Javohir Hojiyev and Farhod Elmurodov, visited theaters in the regions of Khorezm, Samarkand, Navoi, Fergana, and the Republic of Karakalpakstan. During their visit, they explained Presidential Resolutions No. PQ-399 and No. PQ-400 dated November 22, 2024.
It was emphasized that these resolutions aim to enhance the role and significance of theaters in society, improve the social and material conditions of theater workers, and support and develop theaters. Special attention is given to strengthening the impact of theaters on the cultural life of society, recognizing the work of creative professionals, and providing them with modern conditions.
Additionally, plans for increasing the social importance of theaters and engaging the population in cultural processes in 2025 were also discussed in detail.