В Ташкентской области состоялись отчетные концерты Официального государственного филармонии и Центра узбекского национального макомного искусства. Отчетный концерт Официальной государственной филармонии и Центра макомного искусства Ташкентской области бы
2024-11-29 19:00:00 / News

Report concerts of the Official State Philharmonia and the Center for Uzbek National Maqam Art of Tashkent Province took place.
The report concert of the State Philharmonia and the Maqam Art Center of Tashkent Province was attended and recommendations were given.
These report concerts were attended by a working group led by the First Deputy Minister of Culture, Bakhodir Akhmedov.
The working group thoroughly reviewed the reports of the teams. After that, discussions were held with all the staff of the teams, where the emerging issues and shortcomings in their creative activities were analyzed.
A meeting with young talents in the field was also organized. The "Leaders and Young Talents" meeting focused on supporting talented young people and showcasing their work at both the national and international levels. Around 100 young people participated in this event.
The meeting, rich in lively Q&A sessions, provided a platform for the young participants to showcase their talents and share their suggestions.