What tasks does the Department of State Support for Cultural Activities, Intangible Cultural Heritage and Folk Art perform at the Ministry?
2024-11-13 10:00:00 / News
As you know, materials about the activities of the departments of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Culture are actively being prepared and submitted. In today’s section, we will talk about the Department for the Support of Cultural Activities, Intangible Cultural Heritage, and Folk Art.
In its activities, the department carries out the following tasks:
- It performs state control over compliance with the legislation related to cultural and educational institutions and the protection of intangible cultural heritage;
- It develops proposals for improving the regulatory and legal framework for the protection of cultural and educational institutions and intangible cultural heritage;
- It provides legal assistance regarding cultural and educational institutions and intangible cultural heritage protection, as well as in organizing events in these areas;
- It organizes international and republican festivals, competitions, exhibitions, conferences, scientific-practical seminars, and other state events in all directions of Uzbek art;
- It establishes creative cooperation with international music festival organizations;
- It works on promoting Uzbek national art in Uzbekistan and abroad, preserving its unique examples, passing them on to future generations, and further popularizing them.
For reference, there are 837 cultural centers in the Ministry of Culture system. These centers host 4,171 circles, studios, and amateur artistic groups. Of these, 3,107 are circles, 93 are studios, 46 are interest clubs, 86 are educational courses, and 839 are amateur artistic groups. Out of the 839 artistic groups, 597 have the titles of "People's" and "Exemplary." A total of 57,302 people, including 49,533 young people, participate in the circles, studios, and amateur artistic groups.
Over the past 10 months of 2024, cultural centers organized 29,426 cultural events for the public, with a total participation of about 2.45 million people.