Bakhodir Ahmedov visited Khorezm region on a business trip
2024-10-17 20:45:00 / News

Yesterday, the First Deputy Minister of Culture Bahodir Ahmedov was on a service trip to Khorezm region, where he studied the activities of the region's cultural institutions.
During the service trip, Bahodir Ahmedov visited the city of Urgench, Yangibozor, and Urgench districts, where he reviewed the work carried out in the field of culture and arts, and examined the local cultural institutions on-site.
The service trip focused on ensuring the implementation of the President’s decrees and resolutions. The measures being taken by cultural and artistic institutions were studied, and practical assistance was provided.
Specifically, in order to ensure the timely implementation of the President’s decree PQ-406, dated December 25, 2023, on "Measures to improve the level of cultural services for the population," the activities of artistic groups in the region were examined, and their material and technical base was assessed.
Bahodir Ahmedov also familiarized himself with the activities of the teams at the 20th "Nurli Yo'l" Cultural Center in Urgench district and the 66th "Jaykhun" Cultural Center in Yangibozor district, their repertoires, the conditions created for the ensembles, as well as the activities of the Khorezm regional exemplary maqom ensemble located in Urgench city.
The status of the institutions’ beautification and preparation for the fall and winter season was reviewed, and instructions and suggestions were given regarding the necessary work.
Additionally, tasks were set to enrich the repertoire of the Khorezm regional exemplary maqom ensemble, to record Khorezm maqom paths, and to organize regular nationwide tours.
Afterwards, Bahodir Ahmedov visited the construction process of a new building for the Khorezm regional branch of the Uzbekistan State Philharmonic in Urgench city.
Here, he gave instructions on creating excellent conditions for the team, including rooms for dance rehearsals, a small hall, and rehearsal rooms for the ensemble.
To preserve and promote the samples of Khorezm art, tasks were also set for the upcoming year, including the organization of reporting concerts in Tashkent city by the Khorezm regional branch of the Uzbekistan State Philharmonic and the Khorezm regional exemplary maqom ensemble.