Yusufjon Usmanov visited Kashkadarya region on a business trip
2024-09-28 18:00:00 / News

On September 26-27, Deputy Minister of Culture Yusufjon Usmonov was on a business trip to the Kashkadarya region.
During the trip, he examined the activities of several cultural institutions in the region, including Culture Center No. 28-29 and Children's Music and Art School No. 5 in the Dehqonobod district, as well as Culture Center No. 47 and Children's Music and Art School No. 15 in the Chiroqchi district. He closely familiarized himself with their work, assessed their readiness for the autumn-winter season, and reviewed the installation of renewable energy sources—solar panels.
Additionally, he got acquainted with the proposals of entrepreneurial initiators regarding the effective organization of Public-Private Partnership (PPP)-based Culture Centers No. 59 "Yangi Avlod" and No. 60 "Sevaz" in the Kitob district, as well as Culture Center No. 46 "Xojailg‘or" in the Yakkabog‘ district, and shared his thoughts on them.
Furthermore, he inspected the preparations and educational processes for the upcoming Republican seminar scheduled to be held on October 10 at Children's Music and Art School No. 10 in the Kitob district.