"Sharq taronalari" - Competition - Participant: Republic of TURKMENISTAN - The “Turkmenistan National Musical” group
2024-08-28 20:00:00 / News

Group soloist – People's Artist of Turkmenistan Sukhambardi Orazberdiyev. He is the winner of the competition announced by the President of Turkmenistan for the "Turkmen Golden Age" award (the Golden Era of Turkmen) and has been honored with the Gold Chain of the President of Turkmenistan. He currently works as a vocalist at the Mukamlar Palace of the Turkmen State Cultural Center.
Musicians: People's Artist of Turkmenistan Hakberdi Allamyradov (Daira) is the winner of the competition announced by the President of Turkmenistan for the "Turkmen Golden Age" award (the Golden Era of Turkmen) and honored with the Gold Chain of the President of Turkmenistan. The most famous musicians, teachers at the Turkmen National Conservatory, include Sapamyrat Annamyadov (Gijjak), Dovlet Danatarov (Dutar), and the virtuoso musician – a student at the Turkmen National Conservatory – Mukhammetguly Allamurat. They form one of the most renowned instrumental groups.