JIZZAKH IN 1950–1980
2024-09-13 09:50:00 / News
In 1946-1985, special attention was paid to the development of industry, mining, metallurgy and agriculture in the territory of the current Jizzakh region.
For example, in 1951, the Uchkuloch nonferrous metal mine was explored using complex methods, Pistali, Koshkura, Ugok, Central, Eastern and other lead, zinc, copper mines were discovered and developed in Forish district of Jizzakh region.
Between Jizzakh and Uchkuloch, a gas pipeline, road and railway were built, transportation of Uchkuloch rocks to the Almalyk mining and metallurgical company and the production of lead, zinc, and copper from them was started. The settlements of Uchkuloch and Band werecreated as a result of the expansion of the Uchkuloch nonferrous metal mine.