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Joint Editorial Office

The Ministry of Internal Affairs began to release the publications "Postda" and "Na postu" from May 12, 1930. Initially, newspapers were intended only for employees of internal affairs bodies; they published the materials on the activities of police officers in them. At that time, newspapers were published three times a week with a circulation of 150 copies. Then in the 1950s, print run increased to around 6 thousand. Since 1960, with the efforts of the editorial staff, the publications began to go out twice a week with a circulation of 10 thousand copies.

On August 1, 1965, Sunday Editions of the publications intended for the mass became available. Gradually, "Postda" and "Na postu" gained popularity among the people, and therefore since 1970, newspapers began to be published three times a week.

In the early 1990s, the Ministry of Internal Affairs initiated to reorganize the publications "Postda" and "Na postu". On January 1, 1991, the first issue of special bilingual editions was successfully sold out to the police and the public.

Initially, four-page newspapers were released three times a week. After strengthening the material and technical base of the Editorial office, the number of pages was increased to eight, and later it was published in 16 pages. Zakir Ataev, Gairat Boltaboev, Konstantin Timokhin, Siddikkhuzhi Sulaimonkhuzhayev, Khabibulla Shodiev played a significant role in the reorganization of those newspapers.

In March 1998, based on a special order of the Minister, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan established a Joint Editorial Office of MIA under the editorials of newspapers "Postda" and "Na postu". In September of the same year, they issued magazines "Qalqon" and "Щит" ("Shield"). 

Later, they improved the quality of publishing materials in newspapers and magazines and expanded the content. Additionally, they emphasized in preparing unique articles for each edition, and at the same time, the improvement of design reached up to an advanced level. New headlines like "Sulola" ("Dynasty"), "Ibrat" ("Edification"), "Soha fidoyilari" ("Selfless workers of the sphere"), "Qonun - huquq kafolati" ("Law is a guarantee of the right") appeared.

In the releases of magazines "Qalqon" and "Щит" ("Shield"), editorials paid special attention to the hard work of law enforcement officers. The publications on the activities of police officers of foreign countries, court case essays and representations of creative work of the officers have had an exceptional place in those magazines. 

In this regard, the activities of the journalists of the Joint Editorial Office of the MIA were recognized. Our correspondents successfully participated in the following contests: held by the Ministry of Justice "Best Legal Article", "We are Against Corruption"; competition "Matbuot malikasi - 2008" ("Princess of the press - 2008"), organized by the Public Fund for the Support and Development of Independent Print Media and News Agencies and the Creative Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan; nomination "The best photo report" of the International contest "Oltin Kalam" ("Golden Pen") of the Creative Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan; in the republican competitions "Eng ulug, eng aziz" ("The Greatest, Most Appreciated"), "Jamiyat va men" ("Society and Me").

Among the winners of those contests, our correspondents Durdiboy Khudoyshukurov, Muhabbat Ibragimova, photo correspondent Abu Kenzhaev, deputy chief editor Lieutenant Aziza Bohodirova, senior lieutenant Mikhli Safarov can be mentioned. Also, Elena Kuznetsova, who took third place in the contest "Human rights in the eyes of a journalist"), who is currently working in the Joint Editorial Office of the MIA of the Russian Federation has significant contributions.

The Joint Editorial Office of the MIA "Postda" and "Na postu" celebrated its 90th anniversary on May 12, 2020, and now, the editorial staff is active in creative work and facing new achievements.