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Charter of the Main Department of Public Relations and Mass Media of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Chapter 1. General provisions 

  1. The Main Department of Public Relations and Mass Media of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter the Main Department) is a structural unit of the Central Apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter the MIA). This Department organizes and coordinates the work of the press service of the internal affairs bodies.
  1. The Main Department follows the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan like "On Informatization", "On Principles and Guarantees of Freedom of Information", "On Mass Media", "On Internal Affairs Bodies" and other resolutions of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Decrees, resolutions and orders of the President, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Minister of Internal Affairs, and this Regulation.
  1. The Main Department cooperates with other departments of the internal affairs bodies, law enforcement and other state bodies, organizations, and civil society institutions and the media.
  1. The press service system of the internal affairs bodies includes:

the Main Department of Public Relations and Mass Media of the MIA of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

State Unitary Enterprise "Joint Editorial Office of the MIA of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Postda" - "Na postu" newspapers and "Qalqon" - "Щит" magazines;

Press groups of the MIA of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Tashkent, regional departments of internal affairs;

Press groups of sectorial service and educational institutions internal affairs.

  1. The Main Department may have a seal and name with the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Main Department may have specific symbols approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Chapter 2. The primary tasks and functions of the Main Department

  1. The main tasks of the Department are as followings:
  • coordination of information monitoring of the activities of law enforcement agencies, organization of meetings and briefings of their officials with civil society institutions and public representatives, open, direct dialogue with citizens on issues of public safety and law enforcement in the country;
  • take comprehensive measures and create the necessary conditions for the timely and reliable delivery of information to the public on the activities of law enforcement agencies in the field of crime prevention, public order and combating crime;
  • to provide organizational and methodological assistance to the press services of the territorial bodies of internal affairs, to ensure their strong cooperation with the public and the media;
  • provide round-the-clock monitoring and analysis of media and global Internet news materials, to present an immediate response to misinformation or defamation of law enforcement agencies;
  • organization of sufficient work of the official website of the MIA, regular updates with information materials on it and control and coordination of web resources of structural subdivisions of internal affairs bodies.

Chapter 3. Rights, roles and responsibilities of the Main Department

  1. The Main Department has the following rights to perform the tasks and functions:
  • to request and obtain the materials, information and data from relevant departments of government agencies, citizens' self-government bodies, public associations, other organizations and citizens on issues related to their activities;
  • to use the database of law enforcement agencies by the established procedure in the performance of tasks assigned to the Department;
  • to make speeches in the Media and Internet as an official representative of the internal affairs bodies, and through them to broadcast information and video materials on the activities of the internal affairs bodies;
  • to determine the necessity and volume of information intended for placement in the Media and Internet;
  • to edit and publish the latest news and materials provided by the internal affairs bodies in the mass media and on the official website of the Ministry;
  • to issue written and oral instructions to the subordinate press services of the internal affairs within the scope of its power;
  • to organize training sessions by the established procedure in the framework of improving the service training of heads and employees of the press service of internal affairs bodies;
  • make proposals to improve the logistics of the press service of the police, training and retraining of its staff.

The Main Department may execute other rights by the legislation.

  1. The Main Department is obliged to:
  • to ensure the transparency of the activities of the internal affairs body within its competence, to take extensive measures to monitor the events, including the necessary preparation for the Day of Crime Prevention, the Day of Fire Prevention;
  • to prepare and submit to the management of the MIA the required information on the work of the press service of the internal affairs bodies.

The Main Department may perform other duties following the legislation.

  1. The Main Department is responsible for the adequate performance of the tasks and functions assigned to it.


Latest update: 2024-01-18 17:02:54