The Minister of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant-General Pulat Bobojonov, held an urgent meeting on the issues of ensuring public safety and the stability of the criminal situation in Bukhara region
2024-05-10 10:00:00 / Meetings

The governor of Bukhara region, Botir Zaripov, heads of the Department of Internal Affairs, sector officials of the region, and responsible employees of law enforcement agencies attended the meeting.
At the meeting, the tasks of the head of state on reducing crimes in mahallas, to ensure public safety and peace of citizens in the regions, to organize "per mahalla" and "per civilian" work to prevent crime, the performance of the internal affairs bodies during the reporting period, and the implementation of the tasks set for further improvement of the system in the future were discussed in details.
During the meeting, the issue of preventing crimes that may arise in family-marital relations, by young people, and by women, as well as unemployment in Bukhara, as well as cooperation between the seven activists of mahallas in this regard, was criticized. It was explained to assistant mayors, youth leaders, and women's activists in the mahalla the importance of receiving citizens and solving their problems.
In addition, the issues of combating crime in the reporting period of the current year, the implementation of tasks defined in the concept of public safety, early prevention of violations, service discipline and compliance with the law, and other areas were critically reviewed at the meeting, and specific tasks were determined to eliminate the identified problems.
During the meeting, an organizational issue was discussed. By order of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant Colonel Tursunov Ikromjon Normurodovich was appointed to the position of the head of the Internal Affairs Department of Bukhara region.
At the meeting, field officials discussed problems raised and issues awaiting resolution, and the newly appointed head of the regional DIA was assigned relevant tasks.
Press Service of the MIA