Tasks and functions
Tasks and functions
Priority directions of activity of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations are:
- realization of the unified state policy in the sphere of higher and postgraduate education, scientific and innovative activity, secondary specialized and professional education, as well as determination of directions of strategic development of the spheres;
- licensing of activity in the sphere of rendering services of secondary specialized, professional, higher and postgraduate education, as well as regulation of activity on professional development and retraining of personnel;
- Ensuring the quality of education and defining standards for the organization of the educational process in specialized secondary, vocational and higher educational organizations, as well as developing the professional skills of the managerial and teaching staff of educational organizations on the basis of international criteria;
- strengthening the spiritual and moral content of secondary specialized, vocational and higher education, educating young people in the spirit of patriotism and devotion to the ideas of independence on the basis of respect for national values, humanism and high spiritual ideas;
-Increasing the efficiency of scientific research, coordinating the implementation of state scientific and innovation programs, as well as ensuring the integration of education, science and production;
-development of international relations on realization of joint educational and scientific programs in the sphere of secondary specialized, professional, higher and postgraduate education, science and innovations;
- formation of state scientific programs and coordination of the system of training personnel with advanced degrees on the basis of priority directions of science and technology development;
- strengthening the integration of education, science and production, commercialization of new developments, development of rationalization activities and startup ecosystem.