
    6 protected natural territories of the country have been replenished with the material and technical base
    • 2024-07-18 15:55:00
    • News

    On July 18, the Department of Protected Natural Areas under the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change hosted a ceremony for the transfer of professional equipment and technical means to six protected natural areas (PNA) of the country.

    The event was attended by the head of the 'Aral Wetlands" project, A. Ismatov, Acting Head of the PNA Department, O. Eshimov, representatives of the "Aktau-Tamdy" State Reserve, Khorezm National Natural Park, "Aralkum" national natural parks, "Central Kyzylkum", and "Aral Sea Region", as well as the state reserve "Barsakelmes".  

    For professional needs, representatives of the PNA were provided with the necessary tools and technical means for work (binoculars, cameras, navigators, a printer, climbing tents, field uniforms, sleeping bags), camera traps, and an additional set of rechargeable batteries for them, which will enable the employees of the PNA to monitor all year round, track visits to the PNA by people, and prevent violations of the protected regime.

    A wide range of equipment was purchased within the framework of a joint project of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and the Ministry of Ecology, "Conservation and Management of Lakes, Wetlands, and Coast Corridors as the Basis for a Sustainable and Land Degradation-Neutral Landscape of the Aral Sea Basin Supporting Sustainable Livelihoods" (Aral Wetlands).

    The main objective of the project is to improve the stability of ecosystems and livelihoods in the basins of the Lower Amu Darya and the Aral Sea by preventing soil degradation in combination with integrated management of land and water resources of productive landscapes around the PNA, key biodiversity areas, and key ornithological territories.

    The work of the project under Component 3 focuses on eliminating direct threats to biodiversity, protecting globally important biodiversity, habitats, and species through the expansion of the PNA system, and targeting support in improving the management efficiency of existing PNA. In the previous stages, two SUVs and two ATVs were transferred within the framework of the project, designed to improve the work of inspectors and researchers of the PNA region of the Aral Sea region and strengthen their material and technical base.

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    : 2024-08-12 12:26:49